Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
MHRMI Calls for Immediate Action to Secure the Candidacy of Macedonian-Canadian Politician Dan Masin
Press Release

MHRMI Calls for Immediate Action to Secure the Candidacy of Macedonian-Canadian Politician Dan Masin

Macedonian Human Rights Movement International calls on Macedonians in Canada to join our support of Dan Masin, a proud Macedonian-Canadian, who is seeking candidacy in the Ontario riding of Markham-Stouffville. A proud Macedonian voice is urgently needed in Canadian Parliament in order to advocate for Macedonians and demand an end to Canada's appalling anti-Macedonian policies. As is the case throughout the Greater Toronto Area, Macedonians make up a large percentage of inhabitants in the riding of Markham-Stouffville, and we are specifically calling on them to take immediate action — the first step is to sign up for party membership so that a vote can be cast in support of Dan Masin's candidacy. (see below)

Masin is running for the nomination in the Conservative Party of Canada, but MHRMI stresses that we are supporting Dan Masin as an individual and reiterate our position that any political party that wants support from Macedonians must first make it official party policy that it denounces the forced renaming into the highly derogatory "North Macedonia" and that it demands the return of Macedonia's rightful name. MHRMI condemns Canadian politicians who falsely claim to defend human rights while actively participating in the abuse of them.

To ensure that Dan Masin becomes the Conservative Party's nominee for the Markham-Stouffville riding, Macedonians who have residence there need to sign up for membership in the party by visiting this link or contacting him at or, then supporting him when the vote for candidacy is called.

Masin has been working tirelessly to gain support for Macedonia and Macedonians and for Canada to denounce the illegal, forced renaming of Macedonia and associated and ongoing human rights abuses, including further actions aimed at erasing Macedonians' ethnic identity and culture. Becoming a Member of Parliament will give Macedonians a strong, effective voice in Canadian politics.

"My goal is to protect our Macedonian heritage, name, and identity, and to demand and gain Canadian support in returning Macedonia's name and respect for our human rights", said Masin in a statement to MHRMI.

Masin's family comes from Prekopana and Vumbel in Aegean Macedonia and are well aware of what it means to fight for their existence as Macedonians. Masin's family name was forcibly changed to "Masinis" by Greek authorities but was changed back to Masin (many older Macedonian surnames ended with "in") when they emigrated to Canada.

Macedonians are facing the most crucial fight for our name and identity in decades. We need a voice in the Western political sphere who will demand support for Macedonia. Dan Masin has stepped up and will be that voice. MHRMI calls on Macedonian-Canadians to ensure that he has that opportunity. Nomination papers are due now and the vote for candidacy will be called very shortly. Contact Dan today and give him your support.

Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. MHRMI demands respect for Macedonia's name, identity and human rights for oppressed Macedonians in the Balkans. For more information: 1-416-850-7125,,,,, #OurNameIsMacedonia