Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
Yesterday, the Bulgarian District Court in the city of Blagoevgrad (original Macedonian name, Gorna Dzumaja) decided that an NGO whose name is “Citizens' Association for the Protection of Basic Individual Human Rights” is acting against the Bulgarian Constitution and banned it. The main reason is that the NGO's aims are to protect Macedonians’ rights, however, Bulgaria denies the very existence of such an ethnicity on its soil and elsewhere.
The Surreal World: Macedonia
The Surreal World: Macedonia
Claiming that Macedonians voluntarily chose to rename our country into “North Macedonia” and ethnicity into “North Macedonians” is like saying that Indigenous groups choose to be called “Redskins”. And when Western media attack Macedonians for denouncing the forced name change, it would be akin to them attacking Indigenous groups for denouncing anti-Indigenous terms. Welcome to The Surreal World: Macedonia.
Read MHRMI Articles on MEDIUM and Spread Awareness of Macedonia
Read MHRMI Articles on MEDIUM and Spread Awareness of Macedonia
MHRMI articles are now being published on, giving millions of new readers access to the truth about Macedonia...
Canada Supports Macedonia's Demise - Foreign Minister Freeland, Tell Us Why
Canada Supports Macedonia's Demise - Foreign Minister Freeland, Tell Us Why
Published in iAffairs Canada / Canadian Foreign Policy Journal The leader of a new Macedonian political party was texting me in the middle of the night recently, giving me updates on her spokeswoman's surgery to repair two broken legs, suffered at the hands of riot police earlier that night. Her crime? Attending a peaceful protest against changing Macedonia's name and identity.
MHRMI Calls on Russia and China to Introduce UN Motion in Support of Macedonia, Pledge to Veto Any Change to Macedonia's Name
MHRMI Calls on Russia and China to Introduce UN Motion in Support of Macedonia, Pledge to Veto Any Change to Macedonia's Name
Following our meetings with Russian and Chinese officials, Macedonian Human Rights Movement International sent letters to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi calling for both countries, as members of the United Nations Security Council, to: 1. Introduce a motion at the United Nations demanding ...
Macedonian Business Leaders from Aegean Macedonia Pledge Continued Support of MHRMI's Our Name Is Macedonia Campaign
Macedonian Business Leaders from Aegean Macedonia Pledge Continued Support of MHRMI's Our Name Is Macedonia Campaign
Two prominent business leaders from Aegean Macedonia, residing in Canada, have pledged their continued support of MHRMI's Our Name Is Macedonia campaign and the fight against any change to Macedonia's name and our Macedonian identity. Bill Argo, owner of the Symposium Cafe restaurant chain, and Mincho Tashev, real estate investor, are both longtime supporters of Macedonian Human Rights Movement International.
MHRMI Calls for Immediate Action by President Ivanov to Prevent Any Change to Macedonia's Name and Identity
MHRMI Calls for Immediate Action by President Ivanov to Prevent Any Change to Macedonia's Name and Identity
In advance of the illegal, unconstitutional and treasonous vote scheduled for January 9, 2019 to change the Republic of Macedonia's name and identity, Macedonian Human Rights Movement International calls on President Ivanov to immediately pardon all Macedonians who face politically motivated charges by Zaev's regime, including those MPs who ...
MHRMI Condemns Western Anti-Macedonian Hypocrisy while the UN Celebrates the 70th Anniversary of "Human Rights Day"
MHRMI Condemns Western Anti-Macedonian Hypocrisy while the UN Celebrates the 70th Anniversary of "Human Rights Day"
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights", according to Article 1 of the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Unless you're Macedonian. For the past three decades, the UN has been violating its own charter, international law and human rights conventions in its attempts ...
MHRMI Demands that VMRO-DPMNE Take Action to Defend Macedonia
MHRMI Demands that VMRO-DPMNE Take Action to Defend Macedonia
We all know that the current US-installed SDS "government” are the biggest traitors in Macedonian history, but VMRO-DPMNE, as the self-proclaimed "defenders of Macedonia” have never lived up to their supposed reputation. And their critical mistakes are painfully evident during the crisis that Macedonia now finds itself in.
WMC & MHRMI File Criminal Charges Against All MPs Who Voted to Change Macedonia's Name
WMC & MHRMI File Criminal Charges Against All MPs Who Voted to Change Macedonia's Name
The World Macedonian Congress and Macedonian Human Rights Movement International have filed criminal charges against Zoran Zaev, members of his government and members of parliament who voted to begin the process of amending the Macedonian Constitution. The charges (available in full, in Macedonian, here) detail the crimes under the ...