Macedonian Human Rights Movement International


Racism and Anti-Semitism Prevail in the European Union
Racism and Anti-Semitism Prevail in the European Union
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International - Press Release Toronto, Canada - MHRMI is appalled that Greece allows neo-Nazis to spread hatred and chooses instead to prosecute the human rights activists who condemn them. As reported by the Greek Helsinki Monitor ( on December 27, 2007, there have ...
Greek Helsinki Monitor Spokesperson attacked after deposition in neo-Nazis' trial
Greek Helsinki Monitor Spokesperson attacked after deposition in neo-Nazis' trial
Greek Helsinki Monitor (GHM) informs about the extensive attacks against and prosecution of GHM and Jewish activists who had filed criminal actions against Greece's neo-Nazis for the latter's Hitler-admiring, Holocaust-denial, anti-Semitic writings. GHM notes that no media, human rights NGO, political party or other institution reported these incidents, let alone condemn them.
ОМО "Илинден" - ПИРИН реагира на изјавата на Калфин
ОМО "Илинден" - ПИРИН реагира на изјавата на Калфин
Македонија не се меша во внатрешните работи на Бугарија туку бара само имплементација на одлуката на судот за човекови права во Стразбур според која ОМО "Илинден" - ПИРИН треба да биде регистрирана како политичка партија - реагира Елеонора Петрова македонската амбасадорка во Советот на Европа по вчерашната изјава на ...
Another Greek metropolitan bishop wants piece of Macedonia
Another Greek metropolitan bishop wants piece of Macedonia
Athens - Just days after the scandalous statement of the Metropolitan Bishop of Thessaloniki Anthimos, another Greek Bishop - the Metropolitan of Galabryta Ambrosios, said that parts of Macedonia actually belonged to Greece. "Since the attack is the best defense, the Metropolitan of Thessaloniki did very well.
UMD and MHRMI Met With Ambassador Nimetz Over Recent Name Issue Developments
UMD and MHRMI Met With Ambassador Nimetz Over Recent Name Issue Developments
United Macedonian Diaspora and Macedonian Human Rights Movement International - Press Release New York, NY - On November 8, 2007, Washington, D.C.-based United Macedonian Diaspora President Metodija A. Koloski, Vice-President Aleksandar Mitreski and Toronto-based Macedonian Human Rights Movement International Secretary Mark Opashinov held a meeting with United ...
UMD Taken Aback by Metropolitan Anthimos' Threatening Statement
UMD Taken Aback by Metropolitan Anthimos' Threatening Statement
The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) condemns the recent statement made by Metropolitan Bishop Anthimos of the Greek Orthodox Diocese of Thessaloniki, as reported by the Associated Press on November 5, 2007, calling for the "return" of portions of geographic Macedonia to Greece: "Macedonia is Greek...
EFA-Rainbow (Vinozhito) Warns Nimetz About Greek Nationalism
EFA-Rainbow (Vinozhito) Warns Nimetz About Greek Nationalism
Greek nationalism denying the existence of the Macedonian national identity lies in the essence of the dispute on the name of the Republic of Macedonia, the Rainbow party said. The letter sent to Matthew Nimetz by the leadership of the Rainbow party; which defends the interests of the Macedonia living in Aegean Macedonia...
UMD Urges the UN to Recognize the Republic of Macedonia by Its Constitutional Name
Press Release WASHINGTON, D.C. - October 31, 2007 Earlier today, the United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) added its name to voices from around the world calling on the United Nations to finally recognize the Republic of Macedonia under its constitutional name. As UMD President Metodija A.
Liberal Party of Canada Panders to Greek Vote, Angers Macedonians
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International - Press Release Toronto, Canada - Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) is appalled at the Liberal Party's transparent attempt at garnering the Greek vote in light of the Conservative Party's recognition of the Republic of Macedonia under its constitutional name.
Bitola or Monastiri? ...Florina or Lerin? ...Istanbul or Constantinopoli?
Press Release Florina/Lerin 23/10/2007 A few days ago an incredible incident occurred in Niki/Negochani Florina/Lerin at the Greece and Republic of Macedonia border crossing. An Australian citizen wishing to visit Greece was questioned by a Greek border guard at the Greek border crossing regarding his destination to which the Australian replied "Lerin”, the Macedonian name for the city Florina.