Yesterday, the Bulgarian District Court in the city of Blagoevgrad (original Macedonian name, Gorna Dzumaja) decided that an NGO whose name is “Citizens' Association for the Protection of Basic Individual Human Rights” is acting against the Bulgarian Constitution and banned it. The main reason is that the NGO's aims are to protect Macedonians’ rights, however, Bulgaria denies the very existence of such an ethnicity on its soil and elsewhere.
Claiming that Macedonians voluntarily chose to rename our country into “North Macedonia” and ethnicity into “North Macedonians” is like saying that Indigenous groups choose to be called “Redskins”. And when Western media attack Macedonians for denouncing the forced name change, it would be akin to them attacking Indigenous groups for denouncing anti-Indigenous terms.
Welcome to The Surreal World: Macedonia.
Published in iAffairs Canada / Canadian Foreign Policy Journal
The leader of a new Macedonian political party was texting me in the middle of the night recently, giving me updates on her spokeswoman's surgery to repair two broken legs, suffered at the hands of riot police earlier that night. Her crime? Attending a peaceful protest against changing Macedonia's name and identity.
Two prominent business leaders from Aegean Macedonia, residing in Canada, have pledged their continued support of MHRMI's Our Name Is Macedonia campaign and the fight against any change to Macedonia's name and our Macedonian identity. Bill Argo, owner of the Symposium Cafe restaurant chain, and Mincho Tashev, real estate investor, are both longtime supporters of Macedonian Human Rights Movement International.
In advance of the illegal, unconstitutional and treasonous vote scheduled for January 9, 2019 to change the Republic of Macedonia's name and identity, Macedonian Human Rights Movement International calls on President Ivanov to immediately pardon all Macedonians who face politically motivated charges by Zaev's regime, including those MPs who ...
In yet another protest against a change to Macedonia's name and identity, Macedonians converged, en masse, in front of Macedonian parliament on November 18, despite road blockages and intimidation, carried out by the US-installed illegitimate government of Zoran Zaev. Yes, Macedonia is on the brink of collapse due to interference from foreign elements.
When asked by Macedonian Human Rights Movement International to make a statement in support of Macedonia and against any Western-imposed name change, former Tampa Bay Lightning player, Mike Angelidis (Angelevski), emphatically said "Yes." He followed up with a tweet, in which he wrote: "I'm a Canadian Macedonian who ...
In another illegal session of Macedonian Parliament, this one on October 19, 2018, opposition MPs, with women especially targeted, were held in Parliament by the US-installed government of Zoran Zaev, and blackmailed, bribed, and threatened with prison sentences - their families included - until they followed orders to vote ...
Macedonians were united in defence of Macedonia's name and ethnic identity of all Macedonians (including the millions outside the Republic of Macedonia), by overwhelmingly boycotting the illegal referendum imposed on them by the US, EU and NATO on September 30, 2018. The goal of this farce was to change ...
The leader of a new Macedonian political party was texting me in the middle of the night recently, giving me updates on her spokeswoman's surgery to repair two broken legs, suffered at the hands of riot police earlier that night. Her crime? Attending a peaceful protest against changing Macedonia's name and identity.