Macedonian Human Rights Movement International

Our Name Is Macedonia Rally


We would like to give a massive thank you to all the thousands of Macedonian-Canadians who came out to Queen's Park at today's hugesly successful Our Name is Macedonia - United Community Rally.

We had busloads of people who came out today. People from Hamilton, Windsor, Rochester, Buffalo, Detroit and many other cities in Canada and the US came together to celebrate and stand up for Macedonia and the Macedonians.

Our speakers represented many of our community organizations and churches from North America, such as Macedonian Human Rights Movement International, World Macedonian Congress Canada, United Macedonians Organization of Canada, Association of Macedonian Students at the University of Toronto - AMSUT, MYNET - Macedonian Youth Network, made some incredible speeches today.
MHRMI President Bill Nicholov's speech at the #OurNameIsMacedonia rally in #Toronto on March 18th, 2018. Thousands of #Macedonians gathered and told the world that OUR NAME IS #MACEDONIA!

 Bill Nicholov's speech