Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
Palestine flag

Yes, I’m the Guy Who Yelled “Free Palestine!” at the Wanda Sykes Show in Toronto

Your reaction will tell you a lot about yourself. Here are the most frequent:

  1. “This is a comedy show, keep your politics out of it!”
  2. “Hamas supporter!”
  3. “Trump supporter!”
  4. “There’s a time and a place!”

Did yours make the top four? If not, feel free to hit me up on “X” and tell me what it is. My DMs are open.

Since most people in Western society are only able to see and think what they are told to see and think, here are my brief reactions to the above:

  1. Absolutely, Wanda Sykes never should have raised war criminal Kamala Harris’ campaign and how she’ll “do everything in her power to get her elected”.
  2. I don’t want Palestinian babies to be slaughtered, which, according to Reaction #2ers, makes someone a “Hamas supporter”. So, as they admit, this makes them advocates for baby killing. In case you don’t believe me, look at their public reactions to babies getting slaughtered.
  3. How can “Trump supporter” and “Hamas supporter” both be reactions to the same event? Trump and Harris/Biden fight about who’s a bigger Zionist genocidal warmonger.
  4. Yes, there is a time and a place — the Wanda Sykes show in Toronto.

American political and media discourse have Western society simpletons thinking that it is always “us vs. them”, “(self-proclaimed) good vs. evil”, and a choice between only two options. If this were true, then the simpletons believe that the United States has no choice but to continue committing genocide.

Of course, they could vote for a candidate who is anti-genocide. And in this election, there is a viable alternative who has a lot of support, despite Western media pretending that she doesn’t exist and the Democratic Party, the so-called “saviors of democracy”, suing her left, right, and centre to keep her off the ballot. She is the only Jew and the only anti-Zionist in the campaign — and I repeat, the only candidate who is anti-genocide. She is Jill Stein of the Green Party. If influential Americans, celebrities in particular, rallied behind this candidate, she would win in a landslide.

But Wanda Sykes, and other idiotic Hollywood hypocrites choose to side with Holocaust Harris and cry about Trump being a “threat to democracy” and condemn his rudeness and temperament. You know what’s worse than a self-absorbed jackass? A baby killer.

Ironically, it is Trump who advocates for less foreign interventionism and to end US forever wars — while having continued much of the US’s tradition of mass murder overseas during his presidency, but “not starting any new wars”. (not much of a “win”). But, of course, he falls in line and obeys his Zionist masters and advocates for the slaughter of Palestinians. So, adding this to the aforementioned, he can rot in hell just like his Democratic Party “opponents”.

Back to Wanda Sykes. She should have known better than to a) endorse a mass murderer and b) announce it proudly and not expect any blowback.

To those who scream Reaction #1 (“This is a comedy show, keep your politics out of it!”), do these simpletons conveniently forget that the vast majority of comedians include — if not focus on — political commentary?

Since Sadistic Sykes refused to advocate for human decency and still chose to endorse a mass murderer, the literal least she could have done is realize that proudly announcing it — in Canada no less — would be a mistake, and a career-altering one at that.

And to the two people in front of me who gasped and turned around to scold me after I yelled “Free Palestine!”, and then mumbled a combination of Reaction #2 and #3 (“Hamas supporter!” and “Trump supporter!” — again, not humanly possible), I’ll repeat what I said to them — “Turn around, Harris and Trump are both warmongering pieces of sh_t. Tell me why you support genocide.”

That shut them up quick.

Bill Nicholov, President
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International