Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
Norwegian NGO Denounces Greece's Harrassment of Macedonian Writer
Norwegian Forum for Freedom of Expression (NFFE) is a non-governmental organisation established in 1995 by 15 major organisations within the mediafield in Norway to promote the observance of the internationally recognised article 19 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Through our source, Greek Helsinki Monitor (GHM), Athens, we have ...
Greece Denies Entry to Macedonian Writer
SOURCE: Greek Helsinki Monitor (GHM), Athens (GHM/IFEX) - GHM has been informed that, on 30 May 2000, writer Vasko Karadza, citizen and resident of Skopje, Macedonia, was denied entrance into Greece at the Greek-Macedonian border because he was "registered in an inadmissible list" (sic). This occurred even though he held a legal visa issued by the Greek Consulate in Skopje on 29 May.
European Commission against Racism and Intolerance Second Report on Greece
In the following report, ECRI recommends to the Greek authorities that further action be taken to combat racism, xenophobia, antisemitism and intolerance in a number of areas. These recommendations cover, inter alia, the need for the fine-tuning and effective implementation of existing legislation, the need to strengthen and effectively implement ...
International Helsinki Federation Periodic Report on Bulgaria
BULGARIA: MACEDONIAN-BASED PARTY DECLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL On 29 February, the Constitutional Court in Bulgaria declared a Macedonian-based political party (OMO "Ilinden" - PIRIN) unconstitutional. This decision is in violation of the right to freedom of association and the right to freedom from discrimination and could lead to an effective ban on ...
Request for Recognition of the Macedonian Language in Greece
The Greens/European Free Alliance In the European Parliament Rue Wiertz, 1047 Belgium, Tel: 2-2943045; Fax: 2-2307837 To: The Prime Minister of the Republic of Greece Kostas Simitis Dear Mr. Simitis, In the name of the Green/European Alliance Group in the European Parliament, we would like to voice our concerns regarding ...
Declaring a Macedonian-based Party Unconstitutional, Bulgarian Constitutional Court Violates Basic Political Rights
Statement by the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of the Republic of Macedonia, and the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights 1 March 2000. - On 29 February 2000, the Constitutional Court in Bulgaria declared a Macedonian-based political party, OMO "Ilinden" - PIRIN, unconstitutional, in violation ...
MHRMC Response to National Geographic Article on the Balkans
To the Editor: "The Balkans” map supplement was intended to provide a comprehensive analysis of an area in which ethnic tensions have frequently erupted into conflict. However, it only perpetuated the myths that have often been the source of these conflicts. For example, National Geographic seems to adhere to the Greek position that this country is ethnically homogenous.
IHF Periodic Report from the OSCE Region: Bulgaria
Local elections were held in Bulgaria on 16 October 1999. The pre-election campaign turned violent in certain areas, with physical attacks on mayoral candidates, threats, bombings and one killing. Turnout in the elections was, at 45 percent, the lowest since democratic changes began in 1989.
Appeal to the OSCE from the Ethnic Macedonians in Greece, Bulgaria and Albania
Istanbul Summit, November 18-19, 1999 The Ethnic Macedonians from the neighbouring countries of the Republic Macedonia, especially Greece and Bulgaria, in the past ten years had made big efforts to attract the attention of the international community in regards to the gross injustice done to them by the state structures in the countries where they live.
Macedonian Organization Registered for Elections in Bulgaria
On 30 August 1999, the Bulgarian Supreme Administrative Court ruled that the United Macedonian Organization "Ilinden" - PIRIN (a party for economic development and integration of the population) would be able to participate in the October local elections. Thus, the magistrates overruled the decision of the Central Commission for Local ...