Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
Human Rights in the OSCE Region - Report on Greece
Human Rights in the OSCE Region - Report on Greece
The Rights of National Minorities in Southeastern and Central Europe - Report on Bulgaria
The Rights of National Minorities in Southeastern and Central Europe - Report on Bulgaria
The Rights of National Minorities in Southeastern and Central Europe - Report on Greece
The Rights of National Minorities in Southeastern and Central Europe - Report on Greece
The Rights of National Minorities in Southeastern and Central Europe - Report on Albania
The Rights of National Minorities in Southeastern and Central Europe - Report on Albania
Greece's Anti-Minority Attitude
AIM Athens by Panayote Dimitras Greece "distinguished" itself as the only one of the sixteen countries participating or facilitating the Stability Pact for Southeast Europe (SP) that snubbed the meeting in Strasbourg, on 22 May 2001, where SP minority-related projects of the Council of Europe (including an anti-discrimination review) were furthered or launched.
UN Conference Report: Unrecognized Minorities in Albania, Bulgaria and Greece
The following is an excerpt from the Greek Helsinki Monitor and Minority Rights Group-Greece's Statement at the UN WGM Conference (Partly or Fully Unrecognized) National Minorities (Statement to the UN Working Group on Minorities, 7th session, Geneva, 14-18 May 2001) The existence of a minority is "a matter of fact, not a matter of law" said the International Court of Justice in the interwar period.
Greece Scores Last on Freedom of the Press (World Press Freedom Day)
GHM PRESS RELEASE TOPIC: WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY (3 MAY). GREECE SCORES LAST ON FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. Greek Helsinki Monitor, on the occasion of tomorrow's World Press Freedom Day, points out that, among the countries with a long democratic tradition, Greece is regrettably the one with the least respect for the freedom of the press, as shown by the recent report of the international organization Freedom House.
Macedonian and Greek Minorities to Boycott the Census in Albania
Macedonian and Greek minority in Albania decided to boycott the population census that started on April 1 this year, reports Radio Deutsche Welle. According to the President of the Association of Macedonians in Albania - Edmond Temelkov, reason for this decision is the absence of the option "Macedonian" in the census lists.
US Helsinki Commission on Greece's Sober Human Rights Record
Congressional Record - United States of America Proceedings and Debates of the 107th Congress, First Session Vol. 147 Washington, Wednesday, March 21, 2001 No. 0 House - (Legislative day of Tuesday, March 20, 2001) Celebrating Greek Independance Day Hon.
Rainbow Party Becomes a Member of DPPE-EFA
Press Release On November 9th and 10th, 2000, a Rainbow Party delegation took part in the proceedings of the General Assembly of the Democratic Party of the Peoples of Europe - European Free Alliance (DPPE - EFA), which were held on the premises of the European Parliament in Brussels.