Macedonian Human Rights Movement International applauds Macedonians, from all political parties, for coming together in defence of Macedonia and condemning the Tirana Platform - which was aimed at the creation of Greater Albania at the expense of Macedonia's territorial integrity. President Ivanov's denial of a mandate to Zoran Zaev, ...
Is the European Parliament ignorant or anti-Macedonian? These are the only two options. In a blatant display of sheer lunacy, the European Parliament passed a resolution calling on Albania to protect the rights of its "Bulgarian” minority - in Macedonian-inhabited areas of Albania - and "recommends that the rights ...
As if the first partition of Macedonia wasn't enough, US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher decided to call for the further partition of Macedonia, saying "I am sorry to say but it is not a state. Kosovars and Albanians in Macedonia should become part of Kosovo. The other part of Macedonia should become part of Bulgaria, or whatever country they allege to belong.” The country that Macedonians belong to, Mr.
Despite requests by Macedonian Human Rights Movement International that Human Rights Watch (HRW) - as one of the world's most influential human rights organizations - denounce the UN-sponsored name negotiations aimed at changing Macedonia's name, HRW has declined. The reason given by Benjamin Ward, Deputy Director of HRW's Europe ...
The Hill: It's 2016, and Macedonia is a real place Georgea Polizos makes a perfect presentation of Greece's illogical and incoherent, ever-changing, position on the Macedonia issue in her response to my op-ed in The Hill. But before I get to Ms. Polizos' technical justification about why it's acceptable ...
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International President, Bill Nicholov, had the pleasure of interviewing proud Macedonian UFC fighter, Alexander "The Great” Volkanovski following his recent and impressive Ultimate Fighting Championship debut. MHRMI: First, congratulations on winning your UFC debut! Yes, I'm pretending to be Joe Rogan or Jon Anik, describe the feeling for us...
A comment by Bill Nicholov from the Macedonian Human Rights Movement International, published in The Hill, sparked an exchange with the American Hellenic Institute, on the use of the temporary reference. Nicholov wrote about the revelation in the Wikileaks cache of hacked emails, that Hillary Clinton's campaign head John ...
Source: What if a politician or his/her campaign chair made a derogatory comment that negates the ethnic origin of an entire group, and continued a policy that ignores persecution of this group and seeks to change its ethnic identity? Breaking news, right? Huge scandal? Only if it's a higher-profile group.
CASE GRE 181116 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS Restrictions to freedom of movement / Entry ban / Arbitrary detention The International Secretariat of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in Greece. Description of the situation: The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed ...
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International President, Bill Nicholov, met with US State Department officials on October 19, 2016 and called for the United States to immediately end its calls for Macedonia to change its name and to denounce the name negotiations. Nicholov called for the US to help end ...