Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
#OurNameIsMacedonia! Read Dr. Chris Popov's analysis of the #Macedonia "name issue"
#OurNameIsMacedonia! Read Dr. Chris Popov's analysis of the #Macedonia "name issue"
Over the last few months we have been assailed by arguments presented by ministers, members of parliament and spokespersons in the puppet Zaev government and their political allies in the media in favour of a name change. Amongst this barrage of misleading information, mental acrobatics and pure disinformation, the ...
MHRMI Suing the Governments of Macedonia and Greece for Their Part in Changing Macedonia's Name
MHRMI Suing the Governments of Macedonia and Greece for Their Part in Changing Macedonia's Name
In defence of Macedonia's name and our Macedonian ethnic origin and identity, Macedonian Human Rights Movement International is initiating lawsuits against Zoran Zaev, Nikola Dimitrov, the government of the Republic of Macedonia, Alexis Tsipras, Nikos Kotzias, the government of the Republic of Greece, and other individuals directly involved with the name negotiations.
With each 'Accomplishment', Zaev Sells Off another Piece of Macedonia
With each 'Accomplishment', Zaev Sells Off another Piece of Macedonia
By Bill Pavlovski, Macedonian Human Rights Movement International Completing one more task off his 'To-Sell' list, illegitimate puppet PM Zoran Zaev has given away yet another piece of Macedonia's dignity. In order to show just how 'friendly' he can be to his Greek neighbours, Zaev has just agreed to change the name of Macedonia's new airport and highway - both named after Alexander the Great.
The Zaev-Tsipras Meeting in Davos: Zaev Once Again Puts on Display His Contempt for Macedonia's Name, Identity and History
The Zaev-Tsipras Meeting in Davos: Zaev Once Again Puts on Display His Contempt for Macedonia's Name, Identity and History
On 24 January 2018, on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the foreign-installed leader of the puppet government in Macedonia, Zoran Zaev, met with Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, to discuss Greek-Macedonian relations and the irrational Greek objection to Macedonia's historical and rightful name, Republic of Macedonia.
MHRMI Demands Apology from Facebook for Participating in Anti-Macedonian Hate
MHRMI Demands Apology from Facebook for Participating in Anti-Macedonian Hate
Instead of ignoring anti-Macedonian hate as per its previous policy, Facebook is now actively engaging in it. Nik Petrovski, a Macedonian from Sydney, Australia, recently created a Facebook frame (see below) at, in defence of the constant bombardment by Greeks against our Macedonian ethnicity.
Macedonian UN negotiator, Vasko Naumovski, uses MHRMI's "Our Name is Macedonia” arguments to denounce Nimetz's latest name proposal
Macedonian UN negotiator, Vasko Naumovski, uses MHRMI's "Our Name is Macedonia” arguments to denounce Nimetz's latest name proposal
Negotiator Naumovski warns: Nimetz's proposals are a disaster for Macedonia No state, nor the United Nations, has the right to impose a change of name on another country, nor deny the existence of the Macedonian language and people, said Naumovski in a statement for Sitel TV. Optimism to resolve ...
UMD Joins MHRMI "Our Name is Macedonia" Campaign
UMD Joins MHRMI "Our Name is Macedonia" Campaign
The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD), based in Washington, D.C., is pleased to announce its unequivocal support for the #OurNameisMacedonia Campaign, spearheaded by Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI), based in Toronto, Canada. At the same time, UMD would like to thank MHRMI for supporting the #WeAreMacedonia Campaign.
European Free Alliance Joins MHRMI's Call to End the Anti-Macedonian Name Negotiations
European Free Alliance Joins MHRMI's Call to End the Anti-Macedonian Name Negotiations
MHRMI is pleased to announce that the European Free Alliance has joined our call to end the anti-Macedonian name negotiations and has called on support for Macedonia's basic right to self-determination. "EFA is the only European political party defending the right to self-determination, a right enshrined in international law.
MHRMI Condemns the Adoption of the Unconstitutional Law on Languages, Demands that President Ivanov Oppose It
MHRMI Condemns the Adoption of the Unconstitutional Law on Languages, Demands that President Ivanov Oppose It
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International condemns the passing of the Law on Languages in the Macedonian Parliament on 11 January 2018. This law is not only unconstitutional in that it has granted official status to the Albanian language without the necessary two-thirds majority in Parliament, but seriously discriminates against ...
End the Anti-Macedonian Name Negotiations Now - The Latest Our Name Is Macedonia Billboards Go Up Throughout Macedonia
End the Anti-Macedonian Name Negotiations Now - The Latest Our Name Is Macedonia Billboards Go Up Throughout Macedonia
The latest version of MHRMI's Our Name Is Macedonia billboards - demanding an immediate end to the racist, anti-Macedonian name negotiations - have gone up in 14 cities throughout Macedonia. See the list below. Despite the US State Department and Zoran Zaev ban on freedom of the media and ...