Macedonian Human Rights Movement International has instructed Doughty Street Chambers, an international law firm located in London, and Freedman Boyd Hollander Goldberg Urias & Ward P.A, based in the United States, to advise on lawsuits against individuals and nation-states involved in the changing of Macedonia's name.
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International - June 13, 2018 What problem does Traitor Zaev believe he is accomplishing by adding a geographical qualifier in front of the Republic of Macedonia's name? The only answer given by illegitimate "Prime Minister" Zaev so far is his obsession with "not offending Greece" ...
In the latest poll about Macedonia's name and Macedonians' willingness or unwillingness to change it in order to achieve EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn's dangling carrot...of potential EU membership, 14.1% accept a change erga omnes (new name to be used everywhere), 14.4% would accept a double-formula (different ...
Every day, I listen to old white men discuss how they're going to change MY ethnicity, my country's name, identity, language, and history - all in the name of appeasing our oppressors - who deny our right to exist. Imagine this happening to you and your ethnic group. It's surreal.
Authors: Committee for the Defence of Human Rights "Tolerantnost” with the support of OMO ”Ilinden”-PIRIN and the newspaper "Narodna Volya” Contents: • Introduction • Denial of the Existence of a Macedonian Minority, Nation and Identity • Hate Speech • Violation of the Right of Association • Organized Harassment • ...
by Professor James Pettifer - A personal view In a speech on April 15th, 2018, as reported in the Athens newspaper 'Kathimerini', NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called on Greece and Turkey to improve their relations and also stated that their current difficulties which have led to a military fatality last week are not a matter for NATO.
EFA General Assembly, Landshut, 13/4/2018 on behalf of OMO "Ilinden”- PIRIN and EFA - Rainbow/Vinozhito Bearing in mind that: a. The Macedonian minorities living as indigenous populations in Greece and Bulgaria continue to face discrimination and even negation of their existence by the two mentioned countries.
The latest Our Name Is Macedonia billboards contain a message to Macedonians in the Republic of Macedonia from oppressed Macedonians in Pirin Macedonia saying - "Do not take away my name and identity". "We are struggling to attain our basic human rights and recognition as who we are - Macedonians.
(Merrillville, Indiana - March 13, 2018) -- Macedonian Human Rights Movement International member, Susie Talevski, met with Member of Congress, Peter Visclosky, of the Congressional Macedonia Caucus, to discuss the crisis surrounding Macedonia's name and the blatant attacks against Macedonia's right to self-determination.
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International is issuing its THIRD press release demanding that Facebook immediately end its blatant anti-Macedonian policies. It is shocking that Facebook has chosen to aid Macedonia's most notorious human rights oppressor, Greece, in denying the existence of the Macedonian nation.