Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
Condemnation of Pangalos' Statements Regarding Macedonian Minority in Greece - GHM
Topic: Government, parties & human rights organizations must condemn intolerant statements by foreign minister Pangalos The cooperating non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Greek Helsinki Monitor and Minority Rights Group-Greece condemn the statements made, yesterday in Skopje, by Minister of Foreign Affairs Theodoros Pangalos, as intolerant if not racist.
Human Rights Watch World Report - Greece "A number of human rights abuses continued to plague Greece during 1998, especially regarding the treatment of the Turkish and Macedonian minorities, as well as of migrants. There continued to be government-imposed restrictions on freedom of expression and freedom of worship.
Upcoming Trial of Macedonian Activist in Greece
The Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Canada calls on the international community to condemn the upcoming trial on Wednesday, November 18, 1998 of Trajanos Pasois, an ethnic Macedonian human rights activist living in Greece. On February 17, 1996, Trajanos Pasois crossed the border between Greece and the Republic of Macedonia at Niki (Negochani).
OSCE 1998 - Conference - Human Dimension Issues - Report by GHM
Introduction Greece formally recognizes only one "religious" minority, the "Muslims" of Thrace whose fundamental rights are formally guaranteed by the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne. (Ethno)national minorities of Turks and Macedonians are denied recognition. Minorities that are not officially recognized have often suffered restrictions to their freedom of expression and association.
OSCE 1998 - Conference - Human Dimension Issues - Report by MHRMC
The Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Canada in cooperation with the Rainbow Party, Father Nikodim Tsarknias and OMO Ilinden recently attended the OSCE Conference in Warsaw, Poland. Following are statements made by the MHRMC regarding human rights abuses against ethnic Macedonians by Greece and Bulgaria.
OSCE 1998 - Conference - Human Dimension Issues - Report by Rainbow
Written Presentation of the speech of Mr. Voskopoulos Pavlos member of the Organization RAINBOW - (VINOZITO) Organization of the National Macedonian minority of Greece on 03.11.1998 Mr. Moderator, Ladies and Gentleman, I am not happy today because I will accuse my country, but I believe as citizen of Greece and as European citizen that this will be helpful for the further democratization of my country.
Detsa Begaltsi Border Crossing into Greece
The Second World Reunion of the Association of Refugee Children from Aegean Macedonia began on July 15, 1998 in the Republic of Macedonia and was scheduled to end with an historic trip to Edessa (Voden) Greece on July 19, 1998. The former child refugees, evacuated from Greece during the Civil War of 1946-49, have consistently been denied entry into Greece simply because they assert their Macedonian ethnic identity.
Upcoming Second World Reunion of the Detsa Begaltsi
The Second World Reunion of the Association of Refugee Children from Aegean Macedonia will be taking place from July 15-19, 1998 in the Republic of Macedonia with an historic trip to Edessa (Voden), Greece planned for the morning of the 19th. The Greek government has consistently denied the former child ...
IHF Report - UN Commission on Human Rights
Protection of Ethnic Minorities Report by the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights Fifty-Fourth Session - Geneva, 16 March - 24 April 1998 (Item No. 16) The Macedonian Minority The Macedonian minority is still not recognized by the Greek government and consequently faces various forms of harassment and discrimination.
Dance Group From Aegean Macedonia Performs in Canada
For the first time ever, a dance group from Aegean Macedonia has performed in Canada. This momentous occasion took place at the 19th annual reunion of the Deca Begalci on March 21, 1998. Despite threats from the Greek authorities and Greek organizations such as the "Pan-Macedonian" organization, fifteen performers from villages all over Aegean Macedonia including Lerin, Voden and Kukush made the trip to Toronto.