Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
MHRMI Calls on Russia and China to Introduce UN Motion in Support of Macedonia, Pledge to Veto Any Change to Macedonia's Name
MHRMI Calls on Russia and China to Introduce UN Motion in Support of Macedonia, Pledge to Veto Any Change to Macedonia's Name
Following our meetings with Russian and Chinese officials, Macedonian Human Rights Movement International sent letters to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi calling for both countries, as members of the United Nations Security Council, to: 1. Introduce a motion at the United Nations demanding ...
Macedonian Business Leaders from Aegean Macedonia Pledge Continued Support of MHRMI's Our Name Is Macedonia Campaign
Macedonian Business Leaders from Aegean Macedonia Pledge Continued Support of MHRMI's Our Name Is Macedonia Campaign
Two prominent business leaders from Aegean Macedonia, residing in Canada, have pledged their continued support of MHRMI's Our Name Is Macedonia campaign and the fight against any change to Macedonia's name and our Macedonian identity. Bill Argo, owner of the Symposium Cafe restaurant chain, and Mincho Tashev, real estate investor, are both longtime supporters of Macedonian Human Rights Movement International.
MHRMI Calls for Immediate Action by President Ivanov to Prevent Any Change to Macedonia's Name and Identity
MHRMI Calls for Immediate Action by President Ivanov to Prevent Any Change to Macedonia's Name and Identity
In advance of the illegal, unconstitutional and treasonous vote scheduled for January 9, 2019 to change the Republic of Macedonia's name and identity, Macedonian Human Rights Movement International calls on President Ivanov to immediately pardon all Macedonians who face politically motivated charges by Zaev's regime, including those MPs who ...
MHRMI Condemns Western Anti-Macedonian Hypocrisy while the UN Celebrates the 70th Anniversary of "Human Rights Day"
MHRMI Condemns Western Anti-Macedonian Hypocrisy while the UN Celebrates the 70th Anniversary of "Human Rights Day"
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights", according to Article 1 of the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Unless you're Macedonian. For the past three decades, the UN has been violating its own charter, international law and human rights conventions in its attempts ...
MHRMI Demands that VMRO-DPMNE Take Action to Defend Macedonia
MHRMI Demands that VMRO-DPMNE Take Action to Defend Macedonia
We all know that the current US-installed SDS "government” are the biggest traitors in Macedonian history, but VMRO-DPMNE, as the self-proclaimed "defenders of Macedonia” have never lived up to their supposed reputation. And their critical mistakes are painfully evident during the crisis that Macedonia now finds itself in.
Our Name Is Macedonia - Why Do We Have to Keep Justifying Our Existence?
Our Name Is Macedonia - Why Do We Have to Keep Justifying Our Existence?
In yet another protest against a change to Macedonia's name and identity, Macedonians converged, en masse, in front of Macedonian parliament on November 18, despite road blockages and intimidation, carried out by the US-installed illegitimate government of Zoran Zaev. Yes, Macedonia is on the brink of collapse due to interference from foreign elements.
WMC & MHRMI File Criminal Charges Against All MPs Who Voted to Change Macedonia's Name
WMC & MHRMI File Criminal Charges Against All MPs Who Voted to Change Macedonia's Name
The World Macedonian Congress and Macedonian Human Rights Movement International have filed criminal charges against Zoran Zaev, members of his government and members of parliament who voted to begin the process of amending the Macedonian Constitution. The charges (available in full, in Macedonian, here) detail the crimes under the ...
Mike Angelidis (Angelevski), Former NHL Player, Joins the Our Name Is Macedonia Campaign in Defence of Macedonia and Macedonians
Mike Angelidis (Angelevski), Former NHL Player, Joins the Our Name Is Macedonia Campaign in Defence of Macedonia and Macedonians
When asked by Macedonian Human Rights Movement International to make a statement in support of Macedonia and against any Western-imposed name change, former Tampa Bay Lightning player, Mike Angelidis (Angelevski), emphatically said "Yes." He followed up with a tweet, in which he wrote: "I'm a Canadian Macedonian who ...
Why Won't You Defend My Ethnic Group Against Hate?
Why Won't You Defend My Ethnic Group Against Hate?
I've condemned racism my entire life. I've been a human rights activist for as long as I can remember. When someone gets discriminated against based on their ethnic background it makes me livid.
MHRMI Condemns Brutal Western Tactics Aimed at Changing Macedonia's Name, Demands Defence of Macedonia by Macedonian Politicians
MHRMI Condemns Brutal Western Tactics Aimed at Changing Macedonia's Name, Demands Defence of Macedonia by Macedonian Politicians
In another illegal session of Macedonian Parliament, this one on October 19, 2018, opposition MPs, with women especially targeted, were held in Parliament by the US-installed government of Zoran Zaev, and blackmailed, bribed, and threatened with prison sentences - their families included - until they followed orders to vote ...