Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) / Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee (AMHRC) - Press Release Toronto, Canada and Melbourne, Australia, June 20, 2009 - Greek neo-Nazis attack Macedonians. Massive voting irregularities against Macedonian minority party. Will the European Union finally take concrete steps to reprimand Greece or will ...
The tense ordeal of four Macedonian journalists detained by police in a northern Greek village on Monday is gaining wider attention, and has caused an international outcry against the perceived heavy-handedness of Greek authorities- and what their apparent contempt for the free press may be covering for.
Source: MakFax Macedonia has a serious approach in the talks on the name row with Greece, and it's a precedent in the history of NATO that one country blocks other country bid to join the Alliance over bilateral issue. These are the remarks made by Congressman Earl Pomeroy from the U.S. state of North Dakota in an interview for Voice of America's Macedonian news.
The Greek Government showed their displeasure at the UN announced visit to Greece by closing the Macedonian - Greek border earlier today. During the past two months, several Macedonian and Foreign Officials had sent letters to the UN as well as EU Organization regarding the plight of Macedonian and other minorities in Greece.
The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) and Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) applaud the Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia, Nikola Gruevski, for his recent letter to the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic Kostas Karamanlis. The letter officially sheds light on the plight of Aegean Macedonians; exiled from ...
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) - Press Release Toronto, Canada - On Sunday, July 20, 2008, several hundred, possibly thousands, of Macedonian political refugees will attempt to enter Greece at the Medjitlia/Niki border crossing in order to attend their 4th World Reunion. Following Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski's ...
Skopje (MIA) - Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski sent a letter to his Greek counterpart Kostas Karamanlis, in which he focuses on the issue involving ethnic Macedonians born in Greece regarding the return of their properties, the possibility of travelling to Greece and obtaining citizenship, as well as on the recognition of the Macedonian minority in Greece to enjoy basic rights in line with international standards.
Florina/Lerin, 25/06/08 - The Greek "Ethnofylaki” or "National Guard” is a military unit, officially and legally integrated into the structures of the Greek Army. It is a form of state organization, with the task to "protect the state against any form of extraordinary, internal or external, threats” A few ...
Either the Americans provide information to the Greek Foreign and Interior Ministries or - which is more likely - the Greek Secret Service (EIP) is wiretapping the telephones of the Macedonian representatives in Greece. How else can a strictly confidential document issued by the Greek media include even the tiniest ...
EUROPEAN COMMISION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL JUSTICE, FREEDOM AND SECURITY Director General Brussels, May 23 Your excelency, The commission has received numerous questions from the European Parliament, as well as grievances concerning the Bulgarian's government's decision to not register and not recognize the United Macedonian Organization (OMO) "Ilinden” - PIRIN.