Why the National Post chose to be "objective" and let the Greek community have equal time in responding to the recent op-ed about Macedonia is beyond me. One should not give the oppressor the opportunity to justify its brutal actions against the oppressed. The vast majority of readers, understandably, have no interest in hearing the long, drawn out version of Greece's romanticized history.
Blagoevgrad, Melbourne, and Toronto - OMO "Ilinden" PIRIN, the political party of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria, the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee (AMHRC) and Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) confirm that after an abnormally long delay, the results of the Census in Bulgaria, held in February 2011, have at last been announced.
Toronto and Melbourne - Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) and the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee (AMHRC) denounce US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's statement that, "The government in Skopje needs to know that it will not be able to move forward on its European integration until it does resolve this (issue).
Toronto, Canada and Melbourne, Australia - Even more disturbing than every Macedonian government's continued participation in the nonsensical name negotiations is the recent letter by Foreign Minister Antonio Miloshoski to the United Nations Secretary-General that states, "In the course of those negotiations, the Republic of Macedonia accepted a number of proposals put forward by Mr.
Toronto, Canada and Melbourne, Australia (January 18, 2011) - On January 15, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon said "I was pleased to see the dynamics created last year by direct dialogue between the two prime ministers of Greece and FYROM. Now it's time to move toward decisions ...
Toronto, Canada and Melbourne, Australia (August 19, 2010) - Macedonians in the Republic of Macedonia, and throughout the world, are showing overwhelming support for the "Our Name is Macedonia" ad campaign, which demands that Macedonia end all negotiations with Greece over its name. Ads are appearing in print and ...
Toronto, Canada and Melbourne, Australia (April 29, 2010) - In light of US Ambassador Philip Reeker's recent comments that "The [name] issue must be solved, because if not, a question mark is put on Macedonia's future", Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) and the Australian Macedonian Human Rights committee ...
Toronto, Canada and Melbourne, Australia (April 28, 2010) - Bulgaria has begun to emulate longtime EU member Greece's practice of harassing or banning "undesirables" from entering their country. This includes anyone who dare proclaim the existence of a Macedonian minority. On Sunday, April 18, 2010, members of several Macedonian ...
Bulgaria should first recognize the Macedonian nation and language as these realities are key factor in building good neighborly relations, OMO "Ilinden" - PIRIN said on Thursday. The statement of OMO "Ilinden" - PIRIN, organization of Macedonian minority in Bulgaria, came as response to latest reports on impending deal on good neighborly relations between Bulgaria and Macedonia.
Discussion regarding the accession of Macedonia into the European Union was postponed until June 2010. Two countries have delayed this process, the first of course being Greece which cannot accept Macedonia being a member of the EU. Neither can it accept the name 'Macedonia' nor the Macedonian idenity or language.