On 24 January 2018, on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the foreign-installed leader of the puppet government in Macedonia, Zoran Zaev, met with Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, to discuss Greek-Macedonian relations and the irrational Greek objection to Macedonia's historical and rightful name, Republic of Macedonia.
MHRMI is pleased to announce that the European Free Alliance has joined our call to end the anti-Macedonian name negotiations and has called on support for Macedonia's basic right to self-determination. "EFA is the only European political party defending the right to self-determination, a right enshrined in international law.
Response to Patrick Wintour's "Macedonia says it needs prospect of joining EU to thwart authoritarianism” The original article in "The Guardian" The article "Macedonia says it needs prospect of joining EU to thwart authoritarianism” by Patrick Wintour, which was published in the Guardian on 15 December 2017 is a sloppy ...
(November 28, 2017 -- Toronto) What if the Ukrainian government announced that Ukrainians and Ukrainian history are really Russian, agreed to change its name, made Russian an equal and bilingual partner in Ukraine at the expense of its Ukrainian character and territorial integrity, called for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church ...
Macedonia's local elections on October 15, 2017 were marred with US-instigated irregularities. One could accept the election results as the democratic will of voters if they were peaceful, honest and transparent. They were not.
World Macedonian Congress - Canada congratulates the Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) on a successful launch of the "OUR NAME IS MACEDONIA" campaign in Skopje, Bitola, Tetovo and soon in additional cities throughout Macedonia along with television and radio commercials, newspaper and online ads.
MHRMI has launched a new Our Name Is Macedonia campaign - demanding an immediate end to the racist, anti-Macedonian name negotiations - with billboards in Skopje, Bitola, Tetovo (see the pics below) and soon in additional cities throughout Macedonia, along with television & radio commercials, newspaper & online ads, press conferences and hundreds of thousands of flyers.
Condemning the actions of one political party does not mean that one endorses the other. Vehemently advocating for Macedonian human and national rights does not mean that one is getting involved in civil and domestic policy. Just as Macedonians abroad should not get involved with local issues in Macedonia, ...
As per Macedonia's constitution, Macedonian Human Rights Movement International calls on Macedonia's caretaker government to deny a mandate to the SDSM/DUI coalition, reject their current takeover of Parliament, and immediately announce a date for new elections - one free of outside interference. This is all within the caretaker government's power and guaranteed by the Macedonian constitution.
Published in "The Hill": "Trump must take action in Macedonia to fix damage done by Obama and Clinton" President Trump is doing something very un-Trumpesque. And it's concerning. He's allowing an Obama/Hillary administration policy to remain in place instead of implementing his own.