On November 16, 2003, Georgi Radulov, a member of the Macedonian minority political party in Bulgaria, OMO Ilinden PIRIN, was harassed by Bulgarian police in Sofia airport when returning from Brussels, Belgium. Mr. Radulov had attended the European Free Alliance meeting in the European Parliament on November 13-14, where he had advocated recognition and human rights for the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria.
Mister Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, The Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Greece has participated in all OSCE conferences since Copenhagen in 1990 and we have expressed our repeated problems with the Greek authorities. As the Athens Olympic Games draw near, the focus will be placed on Greece and we believe ...
Table of Contents Introduction Census Macedonian Church in Pustets Contact Information for Macedonian Activists in Albania Introduction The following interview with Edmond Temelko, president of the Macedonian organization "Prespa” in Albania, outlines the precarious position of the Macedonian minority in Albania.
Table of Contents Introduction Freedom of Expression and the Media Freedom of Association and the Right of Peaceful Assembly Conclusion Contact Information for Macedonian Activists in Bulgaria Introduction The Bulgarian government has and continues to place unlawful restrictions on a number of fundamental rights of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria.
Table of Contents Introduction Macedonian Political Refugees Home of Macedonian Culture and the Rousalii Association Greece's Official Stance Regarding the Macedonian Minority / US State Department Report on Greece Macedonian language and the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages (EBLUL) Macedonian Theatre Group Denied Entry into Greece Greek Neo-Fascist Group ...
Mister Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, The Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Greece has participated in all OSCE conferences since Copenhagen in 1990 and we have expressed our repeated problems with the Greek authorities. As the Athens Olympic Games draw near, the focus will be placed on Greece and we believe ...
Table of Contents Introduction Freedom of Expression and the Media Freedom of Association and the Right of Peaceful Assembly Conclusion Contact Information for Macedonian Activists in Bulgaria Introduction The Bulgarian government has and continues to place unlawful restrictions on a number of fundamental rights of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria.
Table of Contents Introduction Census Macedonian Church in Pustets Contact Information for Macedonian Activists in Albania Introduction The following interview with Edmond Temelko, president of the Macedonian organization "Prespa” in Albania, outlines the precarious position of the Macedonian minority in Albania.
Table of Contents Introduction Macedonian Political Refugees Home of Macedonian Culture and the Rousalii Association Greece's Official Stance Regarding the Macedonian Minority / US State Department Report on Greece Macedonian language and the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages (EBLUL) Macedonian Theatre Group Denied Entry into Greece Greek Neo-Fascist Group ...
Greek Helsinki Monitor www.greekhelsinki.gr Topic: "Restored Democracy” Celebrates 29th Anniversary but Civil Society Still Under Construction Greek Helsinki Monitor (GHM), on the occasion of tomorrow's celebration for the 29th anniversary for the restoration of democracy in Greece ("metapolitefsi”), brings attention to the fact that even though "restored democracy” ...