Table of Contents Introduction Newspaper Censors Article on Macedonian Minority and Language Macedonian TV Journalists Refused Accreditation to Film in Northern Greece Greek State Television Pressured to Air Previously Banned Program That Exposes Persecution Against Macedonian Minority International Press Institute World Press Freedom Review: Greece Radio Station Owner Arrested in ...
Table of Contents Introduction Violence Against Ethnic Macedonians Census The Use of Macedonian Names Macedonian Media in Albania Arrest of Macedonian Activists and Students Expulsion from Work Macedonian Party for European Integration Contact Information for Macedonian Activists in Albania Introduction The following interview with Edmond Temelko, president of the Macedonian ...
European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance Third report on Albania Adopted on 17 December 2004 and made public on 14 June 2005 The following is an excerpt from ECRI's report. For the full text, please see the link below: Minority language education 64.
Table of Contents Introduction Violence Against Ethnic Macedonians Census The Use of Macedonian Names Macedonian Media in Albania Arrest of Macedonian Activists and Students Expulsion from Work Macedonian Party for European Integration Contact Information for Macedonian Activists in Albania Introduction The following interview with Edmond Temelko, president of the Macedonian ...
Table of Contents Introduction Bulgaria Denies Registration of Macedonian Organizations Defamation of Macedonians on Bulgarian Television OMO PIRIN's Office Vandalized Macedonian Activists Arrested/Detained Expulsion from Work Interference by Bulgarian Authorities at Macedonian Commemorations Conclusion Contact Information for Macedonian Activists in Bulgaria Introduction The Bulgarian government has and continues to place ...
Table of Contents Introduction MHRMC Condemns Statements by Greek President Kostis Stephanopoulos Greek State Television Airs Previously Banned Program That Exposes Persecution Against Macedonian Minority International Press Institute World Press Freedom Review: Greece Radio Station Owner Arrested in Greece for Broadcasting in Macedonian Language Greece Refuses to Register Home of ...
Eurolang Press Release Rainbow, the organization of the Macedonian Minority in Greece, have criticised Greece at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) conference taking place in Warsaw. Rainbow representatives presented reports about the situation of the Macedonian minorities in Greece, Bulgaria and in Albania.
Introduction The following interview with Edmond Temelko, president of the Macedonian organization "Prespa” in Albania, outlines the precarious position of the Macedonian minority in Albania. It appeared in the Macedonian weekly, "Makedonsko Sonce”, on June 15, 2001. "The plight of the Macedonians in Albania is already known.
Introduction The Bulgarian government has and continues to place unlawful restrictions on a number of fundamental rights of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria. Whether it be through outright discrimination, the uneven application of laws which on their surface do not seem to discriminate against the Macedonian minority, or through unlawful ...
Table of Contents - Introduction - Greek Neo-Nazis Threaten Macedonian Minority Party (Rainbow/Vinozhito) - Greek Neo-Fascists Attack 50 Year Old Man - Greek Government Harassment of Rainbow/Vinozhito - Macedonian Language and the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages (EBLUL) - Macedonian Political Refugees Denied Entry into Greece - Macedonian Theatre ...