Macedonian Human Rights Movement International

Press Releases

OSCE Implementation Meeting - The Macedonian Minority in Greece, Report by MHRMC
Table of Contents - Introduction - Greek Neo-Nazis Threaten Macedonian Minority Party (Rainbow/Vinozhito) - Greek Neo-Fascists Attack 50 Year Old Man - Greek Government Harassment of Rainbow/Vinozhito - Macedonian Language and the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages (EBLUL) - Macedonian Political Refugees Denied Entry into Greece - Macedonian Theatre ...
MHRMC Condemns US State Department's Continued Misrepresentation of the Macedonian Minority in Greece
The Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Canada (MHRMC) condemns the US State Department's systematic policy of questioning the legitimacy of the Macedonian minority in Greece. Every year, the US State Dept. issues its "Country Reports on Human Rights Practices”, which perpetuates stereotypes against Macedonians rather than focusing on actual human rights abuses committed by Greece against Macedonians.
UN 60th Session of the Commission on Human Rights - The Macedonian Minority in Greece, MHRMC Report
Table of Contents Introduction Greek Neo-Nazis Threaten Macedonian Minority Party (Rainbow/Vinozhito) Greek Neo-Fascists Attack 50 Year Old Man Greek Government Harassment of Rainbow/Vinozhito Macedonian Language and the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages (EBLUL) Macedonian Political Refugees Denied Entry into Greece Macedonian Theatre Group Denied Entry into Greece Greece Refuses ...
Macedonian Delegation at the 60th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, 15 March - 23 April 2004
The Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Canada organized a delegation of Macedonian human rights activists who participated at the 60th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, held 15 March - 23 April 2004 in Geneva, and who represented the plight of Macedonians in Albania, Bulgaria and Greece.
Radio France Internationale Presented Two Reports About the Macedonians in Bulgaria
Radio France International, on the French language programming. Other Europe presented two revealing radio programs about the Macedonians in Bulgaria. The reports presented the current situation of the Macedonians living in Bulgaria through interviews with human rights activists such as Ivan Kalchev, Georgi Radulov, Ivan Dragash, Kostadin Georgiev and Stefan Vlahov.
Macedonian Human Rights Activist Harassed Entering Bulgaria
On November 16, 2003, Georgi Radulov, a member of the Macedonian minority political party in Bulgaria, OMO Ilinden PIRIN, was harassed by Bulgarian police in Sofia airport when returning from Brussels, Belgium. Mr. Radulov had attended the European Free Alliance meeting in the European Parliament on November 13-14, where he had advocated recognition and human rights for the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria.
OSCE Implementation Meeting - The Macedonian Minority in Greece, Report by MHRMC
Table of Contents Introduction Macedonian Political Refugees Home of Macedonian Culture and the Rousalii Association Greece's Official Stance Regarding the Macedonian Minority / US State Department Report on Greece Macedonian language and the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages (EBLUL) Macedonian Theatre Group Denied Entry into Greece Greek Neo-Fascist Group ...
OSCE Implementation Meeting - The Macedonian Minority in Bulgaria, Report by MHRMC
Table of Contents Introduction Freedom of Expression and the Media Freedom of Association and the Right of Peaceful Assembly Conclusion Contact Information for Macedonian Activists in Bulgaria Introduction The Bulgarian government has and continues to place unlawful restrictions on a number of fundamental rights of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria.
Invitation for the Third Macedonian World Human Rights Conference
For more information please see the Conference Invitation and Registration Form In order to coordinate the activities of all Macedonian human rights organizations and activists, the Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Canada and the United Macedonians Organization of Canada, as defenders of the human rights of ethnic Macedonians living in ...
MHRMC Condemns Greece's Blacklisting of Ethnic Macedonians as Yet Another Canadian-Macedonian is Denied Entry into Greece
The Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Canada (MHRMC) condemns Greece's continued blacklisting of ethnic Macedonian human rights activists and political refugees. Yet another Canadian citizen of ethnic Macedonian descent was denied entry into Greece, as the Greek government continues to backtrack on their recent pledge that Macedonian political refugees would ...