Macedonian Human Rights Movement International

Press Releases

MHRMI Demands End to Greece's Discrimination of Macedonian Political Refugees
MHRMI Demands End to Greece's Discrimination of Macedonian Political Refugees
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) - Press Release Toronto, Canada, June 21, 2008 - MHRMI calls on the international community to demand that Greece finally end its discrimination of its large Macedonian minority, and specifically, Macedonian political refugees and allow their 4th World Reunion on July 20, 2008 to proceed unimpeded.
MHRMI Urges Sanctions Against Greece, Immediate Recognition of Macedonia
MHRMI Urges Sanctions Against Greece, Immediate Recognition of Macedonia
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) - Press Release Toronto, Canada, April 3, 2008 - Despite overwhelming support for the Republic of Macedonia's inclusion into NATO, Greece has vetoed Macedonia's entry because of its opposition to Macedonia's constitutional name. The nonsensical name dispute was initiated by Greece in order ...
MHRMI Calls on International Community to Recognize Macedonia's Constitutional Name
MHRMI Calls on International Community to Recognize Macedonia's Constitutional Name
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) - Press Release Toronto, Canada, March 23, 2008 - Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) calls on the international community to recognize Macedonia's constitutional name and put an end to the irrational name dispute with Greece.
MHRMI and UMD Call on NATO to Admit Macedonia
MHRMI and UMD Call on NATO to Admit Macedonia
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) and the United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) - Press Release Washington, D.C., March 12, 2008 --- Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) and the United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) today called upon NATO to invite the Republic of Macedonia to join the Alliance at the Bucharest Summit in April and to reject Greece's attempt to derail Macedonia's entry.
NATO Must Reprimand Greece for Threatening to Block Macedonia's Entry
NATO Must Reprimand Greece for Threatening to Block Macedonia's Entry
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International - Press Release Toronto, Canada - Greece is threatening to block the Republic of Macedonia's entry into NATO simply because of its opposition to Macedonia's constitutional name. According to Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis, "No solution means no invitation.” This is the latest act of Greece's blatant hostility towards Macedonia.
Macedonian Human Rights Activist Blacklisted and Denied Entry into Greece
Macedonian Human Rights Activist Blacklisted and Denied Entry into Greece
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International - Press Release Toronto, Canada - Greece continues to blacklist Macedonians who are active in human rights organizations abroad or who are political refugees. The latest reported incident occurred on February 2, 2008, when Slavko Mangovski, a dual citizen of the United States and ...
Liberal Party of Canada Continues to Shamelessly Pander to Greek Vote
Liberal Party of Canada Continues to Shamelessly Pander to Greek Vote
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International - Press Release Toronto, Canada - The Liberals have accused PM Stephen Harper of insulting Greeks and demanded a public apology yet they ignore blatant racism within their own party. In an interview for the Globe and Mail on September 21, 2007, Liberal MP Jim Karygiannis, referred to Macedonians as "Skopjans”.
MHRMI 2008 Annual Report - The Macedonian Minority in Greece
MHRMI 2008 Annual Report - The Macedonian Minority in Greece
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International - Press Release Toronto, Canada - Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has issued its 2008 Annual Report - The Macedonian Minority in Greece, outlining Greece's systematic policy of forced assimilation and persecution of its Macedonian minority.
MHRMI 2008 Annual Report - The Macedonian Minority in Greece
Introduction Greece vigorously denies the existence of any ethnic minorities on its territory and attempts to suppress any voices that advocate human rights. Simply raising the issue of the Macedonian minority in Greece causes Greek citizens and politicians alike to react in outrage. The majority of Greek society supports its government's non-recognition and discrimination of its large Macedonian minority.
Racism and Anti-Semitism Prevail in the European Union
Racism and Anti-Semitism Prevail in the European Union
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International - Press Release Toronto, Canada - MHRMI is appalled that Greece allows neo-Nazis to spread hatred and chooses instead to prosecute the human rights activists who condemn them. As reported by the Greek Helsinki Monitor ( on December 27, 2007, there have ...