Macedonian Human Rights Movement International

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MHRMI Funds Opening of Macedonian Cultural Centre in Bulgaria
MHRMI Funds Opening of Macedonian Cultural Centre in Bulgaria
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International is proud to announce that we have funded the opening of the Nikola Vaptsarov Macedonian Cultural Centre in Gorna Djumaja (renamed "Blagoevgrad" by Bulgaria), Pirin Macedonia. An official ceremony will take place on October 30, 2022. The cultural centre will be operated by the Macedonian Society for the Protection of Basic Human Rights, an organization which advocates for the oppressed Macedonian minority in Bulgaria, and will continue to be financed by Macedonian Human Rights Movement International.
The United States: The Beacon of Hypocrisy
The United States: The Beacon of Hypocrisy
Throughout his political career, Joe Biden has lived for — while millions have died as a result of — U.S.-waged wars, proxy wars, coups, and all-around American interventionism. He talked about the "tenets of the United Nations", "human rights", "international law" and had the unsurprising audacity to say...
The Affliction That Keeps On Inflicting — The American Superiority Complex​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
The Affliction That Keeps On Inflicting — The American Superiority Complex​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
A core leftist principle is anti-interventionism. But American faux-leftists (read: the Democratic Party) are beholden to the same force that drives the Republican Party — American Culture. (And both parties partially, if not completely, created it). It is this culture that not only forbids Americans from speaking out against interventionism and warmongering, it practically mandates “celebrating the troops” at every opportunity.
Defending the Aggressor: The Chrystia Freeland Playbook
Defending the Aggressor: The Chrystia Freeland Playbook
I've asked Freeland why she supports the regime in Macedonia. I've kept her and her policy advisors apprised of escalating human rights abuses against Macedonians throughout the Balkans. Describing the two broken legs suffered by the spokeswoman of an opposition party, also at a protest against the regime, did not phase her. NATO expansion is her goal, and nothing will get in her way.
The Masked Singer (Human Rights Abuser): U.S. Policy in Macedonia
The Masked Singer (Human Rights Abuser): U.S. Policy in Macedonia
It's a New Kind of Reality Competition -  Human rights abuses must be condemned no matter the perpetrator. But that is not the American way. The American way is to condemn abuses unless they’re committed by the United States or a U.S.-backed proxy. Continuing the “American way” theme, I’ve found a new way of exposing U.S. foreign policy hypocrisy – a reality TV competition! Let’s play The Masked Human Rights Abuser:
MHRMI, Karakamisheva-Jovanovska Launch European Court of Human Rights Case to Overturn Forced Macedonia Name Change
MHRMI, Karakamisheva-Jovanovska Launch European Court of Human Rights Case to Overturn Forced Macedonia Name Change
The forced name change is a direct cause of the vast human rights violations being committed against Macedonians and, as such, MHRMI and Karakamisheva-Jovanovska seek to overturn it and reinstate Macedonia's name based on, and by invoking, the following Articles of the European Convention on Human Rights, all of which the regime continuously violates:
MHRMI Condemns the Regime in Macedonia's Capitulation to EU/French/Bulgarian Demands
MHRMI Condemns the Regime in Macedonia's Capitulation to EU/French/Bulgarian Demands
Through daily, mass protests, the Macedonian people gave the regime a resounding NO to the EU-backed, French-sponsored Bulgarian demands to completely abandon Macedonians' identity, language, culture and history, yet it still pushed through passing of the "French Proposal" (as it is known), all for a chance at negotiating potential EU membership*.
MHRMI Condemns EU-Enabled Bulgarian Harassment of Macedonian Minority Activists​
MHRMI Condemns EU-Enabled Bulgarian Harassment of Macedonian Minority Activists​
Following the European Union’s shocking support of Greece’s campaign to change the Republic of Macedonia’s name and eradicate Macedonians’ ethnic identity and history (a key point outlined in the “Prespa Agreement”), Bulgaria ramped up its own demands on Macedonians, also garnering EU support. The most notable, and brazen, form came with the “French Proposal”, named after Emmanuel Macron fully endorsed Bulgaria’s demands to eradicate Macedonians’ ethnic identity and history.
Le MHRMI condamne l’UE pour avoir adopté la politique anti-macédonienne de la Bulgarie, connue sous le nom de la « proposition française »
Le MHRMI condamne l’UE pour avoir adopté la politique anti-macédonienne de la Bulgarie, connue sous le nom de la « proposition française »
Faisant preuve d’un mépris total de sa propre charte, l’UE a adopté la proposition de la France qui soutient pleinement la politique anti-macédonienne de la Bulgarie. Selon celle-ci, la Macédoine doit se conformer aux demandes de la Bulgarie pour adhérer à l’UE.*
MHRMI Condemns the EU's Adoption of Bulgaria's Anti-Macedonian Policy, Known as the "French Proposal"
MHRMI Condemns the EU's Adoption of Bulgaria's Anti-Macedonian Policy, Known as the "French Proposal"
The European Union is compelled to condemn Bulgaria for blatantly violating the EU charter and the rights of Macedonians (which the European Court of Human Rights has on 14 occasions), and to take action to reprimand Bulgaria. Instead, it chose to follow its anti-Macedonian precedent, which was set with its endorsement of Greece's policy to change Macedonia's name to the highly offensive "North Macedonia" (designed to negate Macedonians' ethnic identity and hand the term "Macedonia" to Greece) and to deny the existence of the Macedonian minority in Greece, as well as the Macedonian nation, language, culture and history in its entirety.