Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
Watch Share TAKE ACTION Defend Macedonia and Macedonians
Press Release

Watch. Share. TAKE ACTION. Defend Macedonia and Macedonians.

Watch. Share. TAKE ACTION. This is MHRMI's television commercial, aired on a major Canadian network, updated and released online. If Macedonians don't help ourselves, who will? Our donation page is: Every contribution goes directly to helping crucial human rights projects in defence of our name, identity, language, culture and history. For example:

  • The crucial Our Name Is Macedonia campaign which demands a return of Macedonia's name and the reversal of all anti-Macedonian treaties;
  • Funding of human rights offices, television and radio stations, newspapers and publications for Macedonians in Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia and Kosovo, whose access to media is denied and human rights are violated because they are Macedonian;
  • International lawsuits aimed at granting and guaranteeing human rights for Macedonians and the return of Macedonia's name, including over a dozen victories at the European Court of Human Rights;
  • Attendance at United Nations and European human rights conferences and meetings with international heads of state, foreign ministers and diplomats garnering support for Macedonia and demanding an end to discrimination against Macedonians;
  • Funding rallies, protests, commemorations and cultural festivals in all of partitioned Macedonia in order to advocate for our Macedonian name, identity and human rights;
  • Funding successful election campaigns for Macedonians in Albania, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia and Kosovo in order to better advocate for Macedonian human rights, including the first Macedonian elected to Albanian parliament;
  • Support for Macedonian human rights activists and political prisoners who have been incarcerated for advocating for Macedonian rights;
  • The continued opening of Macedonian-language schools and classes throughout partitioned Macedonia.

Donate now. Our existence as Macedonians depends on it.


Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. MHRMI demands respect for Macedonia's name, identity and human rights for oppressed Macedonians in the Balkans. For more information: 1-416-850-7125,,,,, #OurNameIsMacedonia