Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
quotThe Great State of Canadaquot mdash Trump Is Saying What All American Politicians Are Thinking

"The Great State of Canada" — Trump Is Saying What All American Politicians Are Thinking

This is what I’m thinking: Was Canada ever an independent country?

All American politicians treat Canada like a dependent (and Canadian politicians allow it), but Trump is the first one to say it so bluntly — so don’t shoot the messenger (literally).

The easy solution — especially when it comes to foreign policy — is, ready for it? Stop allowing it.

The typical excuses like “The US economy is so much bigger”, “Their population is so much higher”, and “The US is a superpower” doesn’t give the United States the right to rule over Canada (and the rest of the world). Canadian politicians are (supposedly) capable of running a country, which is literally their job.

Most Canadian (and other Western) readers are wondering how foreign policy is related to their day-to-day lives. Ignorant and obedient, exactly how politicians want it.

For the selfish public who couldn't care less about the devastation their country's blind obedience of US foreign policy is having (exactly how politicians want it), here's how foreign policy has a direct and profound impact on your day-to-day lives:

The billions of dollars sent to Ukraine to have countless Ukrainians killed (you read that right) would have been spent at home.

The money sent to "aid" Palestinians — in a genocide that Canada and the West as a whole are complicit in — would have been spent at home, in addition to the endless supply of money pumped into Israel in order to execute said genocide.

The vast amounts of money and added worry about a terror attack at home would be greatly reduced if the West didn't intervene worldwide and kill millions of civilians and destroy entire countries.

Those who aren't selfish, lazy or ignorant — and who have a heart and soul — know that their countries should not be aiding the United States commit mass murder.

And it’s not just high-profile interventionism that the US-led West is engaged in. My ethnic group, Macedonians, have experienced all of the weapons in the US arsenal, both literally and figuratively. Carpet-bombing of civilians (we were the first victims of US/UK napalm bombing following World War II despite being Allies in both world wars), mass murder, forced expulsion, arming and supporting neo-Nazis in their quest to eradicate us, the installation of a brutal regime, mass violations of human rights, and a tactic-switch to a modern form of cultural genocide — the forced Macedonia name change into “North Macedonia” with the specific, and publicly celebrated, aim of eradicating Macedonians’ identity, culture, language, and history and to ensure an explosion of even further human rights abuses, just to name a few.

Again, to the public wondering “How does this affect me?” Imagine the vast amounts of money spent on the policy of annihilating Macedonians, multiply it worldwide, then think about how all of that money could have been spent at home.

Of course, it should have sufficed to appeal only in terms of humanitarianism and human rights…

So, for those in the West, and Canadians in particular, who hate Donald Trump for good reason, or more likely because Western media tells you to, demand that Canada stop acting like the 51st state — just to spite Trump.

Bill Nicholov, President
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International