MHRMI Supports Legal Defence of the Centre for the Macedonian Language in Greece
Since the registration of the Centre for the Macedonian Language in Greece, based in Lerin, numerous lawsuits have been filed in an attempt to rescind its registration.
To date, nine lawsuits have been launched from various organizations, political parties and most notably, the public prosecutor of Lerin. These actions are in-line with prevalent anti-Macedonian views and Greece's suppression of Macedonian rights.
The Centre for the Macedonian Language in Greece offers free online lessons to students of all ages who seek to improve or learn their mother tongue of Macedonian, after generations of Greece's notorious suppression of it.
Further, it seeks to implement the official teaching of the Macedonian language in Greece's school curriculum, in accordance with international human rights standards.
Macedonians in Greece live in a hostile environment and are bombarded with daily hate speech by Greek politicians, media and the public, which has increased alarmingly since the founding of the Centre.
The number of lawsuits aimed at preventing the teaching of the Macedonian language in Greece has risen steadily. Macedonian Human Rights Movement International calls on the international community to issue statements in defence of Macedonians' basic human rights.
For Macedonians interested in supporting the Centre for the Macedonian Language in Greece's legal defence, please do so here:
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. MHRMI demands respect for Macedonia's name, identity and human rights for oppressed Macedonians in the Balkans. For more information: 1-416-850-7125,,,,, #OurNameIsMacedonia