Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
MHRMI Condemns European Commission39s Hypocrisy in Issuing Country Report on the Republic of Macedonia
Press Release

MHRMI Condemns European Commission's Hypocrisy in Issuing Country Report on the Republic of Macedonia

Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) condemns the hypocrisy by the European Commission (EC) in issuing its country report on the Republic of Macedonia and its "state of democracy, rule of law, and human rights".

The gross human rights violations committed by the regime in Macedonia — only some of which are outlined in the report — are encouraged, enabled, directed and committed by the very organization that authored the report, and led by the United States.

This report mirrors the hypocrisy of the US State Department's "Country Reports on Human Rights Practices".

The United States, its NATO/EU partners and their associated organizations, such as the European Commission, have no right to pass judgements on sovereign nations that are suffering as a direct result of Western intervention and their systematic violations of human rights.

In the very first paragraph of its summary, the European Commission states that Macedonia "faced significant challenges in the area of the rule of law." Yes, as the corrupt judiciary is fully controlled by the United States and instructed to brutally suppress dissent and target all who voice opposition to US anti-Macedonian policy. See MHRMI's report: The US-Controlled Judiciary in Macedonia.

The EC continues its report with brutally ironic statements about Macedonia such as:

“The recommendations made by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture on the treatment of detained and convicted persons were not addressed, which is a matter of serious concern.” Macedonian political prisoners were targeted, rounded up and incarcerated precisely for dissenting against the regime and US/NATO/EU violations of human rights in Macedonia, and are subject to the abhorrent prison conditions and torture that the European Commission claims to denounce and as a direct result of the organizations themselves. See MHRMI’s report above and meetings with the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Amnesty International, the European Free Alliance in European Parliament, and the European Court of Human Rights cases launched in support of the political prisoners.

“ between some and moderate level of preparation in the area of freedom of expression.” The US, NATO, EU and regime in Macedonia fiercely suppress freedom of expression including, but not limited to: the imprisonment of dissenters; riot police attacking, beating and arresting peaceful protesters; firing (from public and private sector jobs) of thousands of Macedonians; shutting down media and imposing prison sentences for journalists; blocking social media access for individuals and media outlets; outlawing and criminalizing the use of the term “Macedonia”; the investigation and intimidation of Macedonian civilians including physical attacks and arson. See MHRMI’s reports: US Supports Cultural Genocide in Macedonia and Imprisonment of Dissidents as Part of its Geo-strategic Alignment with Greece, US Politicians Don’t Have the Right to Dictate Macedonia’s Future, Press Freedom Under Attack in Macedonia, and Western Media Coverage of Macedonia Perpetuates Hate.

The EC describes the Republic of Macedonia’s relations with Bulgaria and Greece, but only in context with Macedonia’s implementation of the accords illegally signed with each country, both of which are designed specifically to eradicate Macedonians’ human rights, name, ethnic identity, culture, and history. The EC report, predictably, omits the mass human rights violations committed against Macedonians throughout the Balkans as a direct result of Western support for Greece's and Bulgaria’s notorious anti-Macedonian campaigns. See MHRMI’s reports: Fact Sheet on the Forced Name Change in Macedonia: A Recipe for Cultural Genocide, Macedonians in Greece Condemn the Prespa Agreement, The Rise in Human Rights Violations Against Macedonians in Bulgaria - Annual Report, and MHRMI Condemns the EU's Adoption of Bulgaria's Anti-Macedonian Policy, Known as the "French Proposal"

The EC even has the audacity to refer to Bulgarian Nazi-glorifying organizations in the Republic of Macedonia as “cultural clubs” and refer to Bulgaria’s alliance with Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler and mass murder of Macedonians as “celebrations of historical events and figures”. Further, the European Commission denounces Macedonians’ condemnation of Bulgaria’s war crimes.

The EC continues it blatant hypocrisy and interventionism by reiterating its calls for Macedonia to fully implement demands of the imposed treaties with Greece and Bulgaria, both of which are publicly celebrated as instruments of Macedonians’ demise.

MHRMI reiterates its condemnation of US, NATO and EU/EC anti-Macedonian policies and reiterates its commitment to the reversal of all anti-Macedonian treaties, including the imposed name change.

Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. MHRMI demands respect for Macedonia's name, identity and human rights for oppressed Macedonians in the Balkans. For more information: 1-416-850-7125,,,,, #OurNameIsMacedonia