Macedonian Organizations File European Commission Case Against Bulgaria
A complaint for the infringement of EU law has been filed against the Republic of Bulgaria at the European Commission for refusing to register the Macedonian Club for Ethnic Tolerance, thereby breaching several fundamental EU rights, directives, procedures and EU practices.
This follows 14 successful cases by Macedonian organizations against Bulgaria in the European Court of Human Rights for various human rights violations and suppression of their fundamental right to organize into cultural, political, and other types of organizations based solely on their Macedonian ethnicity.
This time the fight to win fundamental human rights for Macedonians has been shifted to the EU itself, namely at the European Commission which has gained new powers to punish its member-states for not following EU law and now has the authority to implement European Court of Human Rights judgements.
The complainants seek such a remedy in hopes of forcing the Republic of Bulgaria to register this banned Macedonian organization (and others) and to compel the European Union to force an end to Bulgaria's systemic abuse of Macedonians' rights.
The organizations involved are Nov Asnom, Macedonian Human Rights Movement International, World Macedonian Congress Canada and the Macedonian Club for Ethnic Tolerance along with Iljo Janev, Simo Popovski and other individuals. The lawyer who drafted the case is Blagoja Pandovski.
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. MHRMI demands respect for Macedonia's name, identity and human rights for oppressed Macedonians in the Balkans. For more information: 1-416-850-7125, info@mhrmi.org, mhrmi.org, twitter.com/mhrmi, facebook.com/mhrmi, instagram.com/MacedonianHumanRights #OurNameIsMacedonia