I'm Victoria Tosevski. Help us save Macedonia's name.
Dear Macedonians,
My name is Victoria Tosevski and I'm Macedonian Human Rights Movement International's Media Liaison Director.
I'm asking for your support. Macedonia and Macedonians are facing the biggest threat to our identity – and existence as Macedonians – in modern history. Our name has been forcibly changed, our identity given away to our oppressors, and our history rewritten.
Each passing day brings a new attack on Macedonians throughout all regions of partitioned Macedonia, and throughout the world. Bulgaria relentlessly suppresses our Macedonian identity on its soil and has now ramped up its efforts to turn Macedonians in Albania into “Bulgarians”. Greece is using the anti-Macedonian “Prespa Agreement” - which officially denies the existence of Macedonians everywhere – to justify its cultural genocide against us. Macedonians in the Republic of Macedonia are fighting against their own political parties who have either committed treason or have done nothing to stop it. And Macedonians throughout the world are facing an uphill battle in the right to use our own name.
But with the support of Macedonian Human Rights Movement International, Macedonians are refusing to give up and are united in defence of our name and identity. MHRMI is the organization that funds, organizes and supports human rights projects in defence of our Macedonian name and identity throughout all of partitioned Macedonia - and we've been doing so for over 30 years. MHRMI's unrelenting defence of Macedonia and Macedonians is the reason that I became a member.
We meet with international and Macedonian leaders, heads of state, foreign ministers, diplomats and United Nations officials and educate those who are unaware and garner support for our Macedonian cause. We condemn those who are complicit in the forced Macedonia name change. We do not condone any expression of support for Macedonia's NATO membership under the imposed, anti-Macedonian name "North Macedonia" while the same people feign outrage at subsequent anti-Macedonian actions. Membership in any organization under "North Macedonia" only serves to enable the cultural genocide of all Macedonians. Our rights are supposed to be guaranteed by international human rights conventions and the rule of law. We demand equality. Macedonians deserve it.
I'm asking you to join us. We do not want our children to have to ask why they're being called "North Macedonians" from "North Macedonia". We do not want them learning in school that Macedonia's name "belongs to Greece". We do not want them to be told that they have no right to call themselves Macedonian. It has already started happening, even here in Canada.
We need your help. Macedonia and Macedonians are facing a crisis that threatens our existence as an ethnic group. Join us. Take action. Please visit mhrmi.org/donations today and contribute. Our Name Is Macedonia. Help us save it.