Defending the Aggressor: The Chrystia Freeland Playbook
"It was so quick. All of a sudden the police forces squeezed us from all four sides and started shooting us with shock bombs and tear gas. I was among 10-15 elderly professors somewhere in the middle. My friend was quicker to realize what was going on and grabbed my hand taking me out of the crowd. At one point I could hardly breathe and almost fell down. It was the most horrible experience of my life."
My friend, Biljana Vankovska, a well-known professor in Macedonia and real leftist (anti-interventionist, pro-human rights), told me this. And it happened while she was attending a protest against the U.S.-backed regime's constant abuse of Macedonians' rights and forced change of Macedonia's name, identity and history.
Yet, a faux-leftist in Canada is getting all the sympathy lately — for being yelled at in an elevator. Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland, is fully aware of the regime's tactics in Macedonia — with women especially targeted — including attacks against civilians, threats against their families, detainments, arrests, intimidation, arson, imprisonment of Macedonians, subjecting them to abhorrent prison conditions — and all in the name of brutally silencing dissent.
Freeland also knows about one of the most infamous acts in recent Macedonian history — the U.S. ambassador at the time, Jess Baily, and several members of the regime holding female opposition MPs in parliamentary chambers against their will, blackmailing and threatening them and their families with imprisonment until they followed orders to vote to change Macedonia's name.
Yet, Freeland publicly praises the regime because it suits her goal of "Euro-Atlantic integration" (NATO expansion/imperialism).
I've asked Freeland why she supports the regime. I've kept her and her policy advisors apprised of escalating human rights abuses against Macedonians throughout the Balkans. Describing the two broken legs suffered by the spokeswoman of an opposition party, also at a protest against the regime, did not phase her. NATO expansion is her goal, and nothing will get in her way.
A leftist does not celebrate interventionism, imperialism and abuses of human rights. But the Liberal Party is misnamed, they are not liberal/leftist.
And now, because of U.S.-led, Canadian and NATO-backed interventionism, the Republic of Macedonia is misnamed as "North Macedonia", a term specifically designed to eradicate Macedonians' ethnic identity, culture and history.
But why?
Greece had pledged to veto Macedonia’s Western-imposed NATO membership bid unless its name was changed, and everything Macedonian was eradicated. Bulgaria caught on and made similar demands for Macedonia's Western-imposed EU membership bid.
Both countries announce, admit, and celebrate that their policies are designed to deny the existence and persecution of their large Macedonian minorities and to eliminate any expression of Macedonian ethnic identity.
NATO and EU countries leapt at the chance to support their "strategic partners", Greece and Bulgaria. Led by the U.S., the regime in Macedonia was installed to force through the name change and subsequent treaties — at the expense of Macedonians' most basic of human rights.
And it is precisely these human rights that are defended by real leftists. It's too bad that Freeland, Trudeau and the Liberal Party's play-acting and hypocrisy are left unchecked by the Canadian opposition and media. Yet they all hop on board to defend the aggressor.
Bill Nicholov, President
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International