ACTION ALERT: Email Canadian MPs and Demand Defence of Macedonia's Name and Identity!
ACTION ALERT: Visit this link (mhrmi.org/act-now) to instantly send an email to Canada's decision makers and DEMAND defence of our Macedonian name and identity. OUR NAME IS MACEDONIA!
ALL MACEDONIANS, regardless of where you live, must ACT NOW. mhrmi.org/act-now
You will be educating Canadian political leaders and MPs and demanding action with this message:
Canada publicly supports the brutal US-led tactics in renaming Macedonia and changing our Macedonian identity, ethnicity and history. Our Canadian government is executing cultural genocide against Macedonians, but frames it as "resolution of a diplomatic dispute". Put yourself and your ethnic group in OUR shoes.
The appalling tactics include: physical detainment and intimidation of female MPs, threats against their families, imprisonment of dissenters, beatings by riot police, violations of the Macedonian constitution, parliamentary rules and criminal code, shutting down media outlets and social media access and shockingly, much more. Macedonian-Canadians DEMAND action.
Stop the forced changing of our Macedonian name and identity. Canada used to be a global LEADER in human rights. It is your responsibility to DEFEND us.
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125, info@mhrmi.org, www.mhrmi.org, twitter.com/mhrmi, facebook.com/mhrmi, mhrmi.org/OurNameIsMacedonia.