MHRMI Calls for Immediate Action by President Ivanov to Prevent Any Change to Macedonia's Name and Identity
In advance of the illegal, unconstitutional and treasonous vote scheduled for January 9, 2019 to change the Republic of Macedonia's name and identity, Macedonian Human Rights Movement International calls on President Ivanov to immediately pardon all Macedonians who face politically motivated charges by Zaev's regime, including those MPs who are being used as pawns to commit treason, but only in exchange for their "NO" vote to changing Macedonia's name. This act would eliminate any effect that Zaev's blackmail, threats and bribery have had on the MPs.
Further, MHRMI calls on Ivanov to immediately introduce a motion in the United Nations that demands that the UN abide by its own charter, international law and human rights conventions and grants membership to the Republic of Macedonia under its proper name, thus legally and permanently ending any attempts to change it. Moreover, we call on Ivanov to support, and call for, a similar motion by Russia, China, Turkey or any other country that is willing to act to defend Macedonia's self-determination and basic human rights.
When discussing the anti-Macedonian "Prespa Agreement" last year, Ivanov proudly said, "My position is final and I will not yield to any pressure, blackmail or threats. I will not support or sign such a damaging agreement."
While MHRMI applauds President Ivanov's stance, it simply is not enough. Proactive and urgent steps are needed in order to prevent the changing of Macedonia's name and identity.
Zaev's regime has broken the law, violated the constitution and circumvented parliamentary rules in their continued acts of treason. These cannot go unpunished. No matter how much backing Zaev has from the US and EU in their attempts to denationalize Macedonia, this can't be used as a pretext for inaction. President Ivanov, as head of state, you have the duty to defend the Republic of Macedonia, and you have the support of Macedonians worldwide. Act now.
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125,,,,,