Press Release
Press Release
MHRMI Launches New OUR NAME IS MACEDONIA Campaign With Billboards Throughout Macedonia. END THE NAME NEGOTIATIONS NOW!

MHRMI calls on all Macedonians, and others who support the most basic of human rights, to join our call. We ask that Macedonian organizations issue statements in support of our campaign and pressure Macedonia to end the name negotiations NOW.
As our billboard asks, WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO NEGOTIATE MY NAME AND IDENTITY? UN Envoy Matthew Nimetz claims that the Macedonian identity is not being negotiated, yet we can see through the Bulgaria agreement, Law on Languages, public statements by Macedonian, American and European politicians that it is precisely Macedonia's NAME and IDENTITY that are being negotiated and this is a direct result of the name negotiations. MHRMI repeats that current citizens and politicians of a country do not have the right to negotiate an age-old ethnicity.
As Nimetz told MHRMI, "Off the record, if I were Macedonian, I would NOT negotiate my name." Nimetz and the US State Department both told MHRMI President, Bill Nicholov, that there would be absolutely NO consequences if Macedonia stopped negotiating its name and identity. Further, and despite their public statements, the US State Department said that there is no solution to the name dispute and the ONLY logical next step would be if Macedonia ENDS THE NEGOTIATIONS.
As MHRMI has repeatedly stated - the artificial name dispute is the overarching issue that is wreaking havoc in ALL aspects of life in Macedonia. Negotiating our name is precisely the reason that Macedonia is not in the EU and NATO. The reason that the West calls for Macedonia to change its name is BECAUSE Macedonia is negotiating its name. Our Name Is Macedonia. Our Identity Is Macedonian. END THE NAME NEGOTIATIONS NOW.
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125, info@mhrmi.org, www.mhrmi.org, twitter.com/mhrmi, facebook.com/mhrmi, mhrmi.org/OurNameIsMacedonia.
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