Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
Press Release
ACT NOW: Contact your Member of Congress to Denounce the Name Negotiations!

Catherine Ashton The recent proposal by UN mediator, Matthew Nimetz, that Macedonia change its name to "Upper Republic of Macedonia" in order to appease Greece and be "considered" for entry into the European Union and NATO highlights the urgent need for this appeal. The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, also called on Macedonia to change its name and claimed, "...there is no other alternative, there is no other way forward. And to act sooner is better than later. This is the only way towards progress on your European path."

There is another way forward. Macedonia must stop negotiating its own name and stop begging to get into the European Union and NATO.

The United States, the EU, and NATO fully support the racist and nonsensical name negotiations and are applying immense pressure on Macedonia to change its name.

Macedonian-Americans can make a difference. Contact your Member of Congress now to denounce the name negotiations and demand support for Macedonia!

How can the United States, which claims to spread democracy throughout the world, demand that a country surrender its most basic right - that of self-identification?

Macedonian-Americans must take this message to their elected representatives and, instead of asking for American support for entry into NATO and the EU, you must demand that the United States defend the values that it proclaims it stands for.

Macedonian Human Rights Movement International is leading the defence of Macedonia's name and human rights in North America and, with our partners the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee, throughout all parts of Macedonia and worldwide. Join us by contacting your Member of Congress today and demand that they denounce the name negotiations!

Contact information for your Member of Congress can be found at


Help Macedonians overcome the human rights abuses that they face on a daily basis by joining the MHRMI Human Rights Fund or the AMHRC's Macedonian Minorities Support Fund. MHRMI and the AMHRC are the only organizations in the Macedonian diaspora that finance and organize Macedonian human rights activities in the Balkans. Your donation will go directly to funding vital Macedonian human rights activities.

Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information:,, facebook,, 1-416-850-7125.