Press Release
Press Release
MHRMI and AMHRC Reiterate Demand That Macedonia End Name Negotiations

It is a disgrace that Macedonia, by participating in the negotiations, is violating its own most basic human right, that of self-identification. It is reprehensible that the Western world, despite having recognized Macedonia, is insisting that Macedonia change its name.
MHRMI and AMHRC initiated the Our Name is Macedonia campaign in July 2010, an ad campaign which demands an end to the negotiations, and which has gained overwhelming support from Macedonians in the Republic of Macedonia and throughout the world.
As stated in the Our Name is Macedonia campaign, "We are winning. Over 130 countries have recognized Macedonia, including four of the five permanent UN Security Council members. We have the power to end this. Stop negotiating our own name".
MHRMI and AMHRC demand that Macedonia vehemently defend our name and immediately end the name negotiations. Furthermore, we demand:
• an end to the "temporary reference" of "FYROM" or "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"
• that Macedonia revert to the original flag
• that Macedonia withdraws from the 1995 Interim Accord
Our organizations also:
• condemn every Macedonian government for capitulating to Greek racism and to the United States and Western Europe and continuing the name negotiations
• condemn the US government and Western European governments for threatening to withdraw "support" for Macedonia and demanding that it changes its name
Finally, MHRMI and AMHRC call on every Macedonian organization and individual to sign on to the Our Name is Macedonia campaign.
Silence is not an option. Our Name is Macedonia.
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: www.mhrmi.org, twitter.com/mhrmi, facebook, info@mhrmi.org, 1-416-850-7125.
Established in 1984 the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee (AMHRC) is a non governmental organisation that advocates before governments, international institutions and broader communities about combating discrimination and promoting basic human rights. Our aspiration is to ensure that Macedonian communities and other excluded groups throughout the world are recognised, respected and afforded equitable treatment. For more information please visit www.macedonianhr.org.au, or contact AMHRC by email info@macedonianhr.org.au or via +61 3 93298960.