1948 MILS News: "Bulgaria Will Acknowledge Macedonian Minority?" April 12, 2002 1948 Bulgaria will acknowledge Macedonian minority , reports Bulgarian agency "Focus" calling upon preposition-document prepared by the Council for Ethnical Issues of the Bulgarian Government. Argument for acknowledging the Macedonian minority is the fact that on the last census in Bulgaria 10.000 persons declared as Macedonians, and 250.000 citizens declared as Macedonians in the first post-war censuses. At the same time it is highlighted that article 11 of the Bulgarian Constitution is discriminating and limiting in relation to the minority rights. As "Utrinski Vesnik" writes, there were severe reaction in the Bulgarian publicity about the possibility of acknowledging the Macedonian minority. Most severe is the Bulgarian VMRO of Krasimir Karakacanov which evaluated that the Council on ethnical issues serves the non-Bulgarian interests and organizations, it violates the Constitution and presents history as violation of the human rights.