Press Release
Press Release
Clarification of News Story re: Platform of Macedonian Minorities and Diaspora
Joint Press Release by the MHRMC and Vinozhito
The Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Canada ("MHRMC") and Vinozhito (Rainbow) - Greece, would like to clarify the news report that was released on August 29, 2001 regarding the "Platform of Macedonian Minorities and Diaspora".
While the MHRMC and Vinozhito did attend the "First Macedonian World Congress" in Skopje, Macedonia, along with several other Macedonian organizations from the Balkans and Australia, the reported platform was not endorsed or signed by our group. The platform was released by the United Macedonians Organization of Canada.
The MHRMC and Vinozhito do not and will not endorse any particular programme of political change for the Republic of Macedonia as that state's citizens have the ability to do so through lawful, democratic processes. The MHRMC'and Vinozhito's sole objectives are to achieve human rights for oppressed Macedonians and other minorities in the Balkans.
For those who missed the related newstory on the "Platform" here it is again:
The Independent MILS News, Est. 1992
-------- www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/5052 --------
Email: milsppp@soros.org.mk
===================Copyright c All Rights Reserved==================
Skopje, Wednesday, August 29, 2001
("Utrinski Vesnik", August 27, 2001)
Macedonian organizations, movements and associations, fighting for greater national, ethnical, cultural, and religious rights on the Balkans and beyond, held their first Macedonian World Conference last weekend, in organization of the united Macedonians in Canada and Macedonian Human Rights Movement for Canada. The following associations attended the gathering: Macedonian human rights associations OMO Ilinden, OMO Ilinden Pirin - Bulgaria, Vinozito (Rainbow) - Greece, Bratstvo, Mir, and Med-Albania, MAK-Macedonian Association - Serbia, and Macedonian Human Rights Committee - Australia. The participants at the conference spoke of the status of Macedonian people in the Balkans and worldwide, adopted an Action program defining the methods for pursuing national and human rights and created a coordinating body in charge of its realization. Macedonian government and all other institutions were reminded that Macedonian state and Macedonian people should valiantly and dignifiedly resist all external pressures. That way, Macedonian name, language, flag, country's unitary character, and territorial integrity would remain intact. Otherwise, Macedonia faces depersonalization. Describing the current situation in the country `a result of years of traitorous politics of Macedonian politicians' the conference suggested a Platform for survival of Macedonian nation in Macedonia, the Balkans, and worldwide. This Platform suggests dismissal of the Parliament and scheduling of new parliamentary elections where Macedonian people would be given a chance to choose reputable, honest politicians aware of their national identity. All Albanian immigrants from Kosovo with yet unregulated status should be expelled, whereas all citizenships granted in the last decade should be reassessed and taken away if found to represent threat to national security.
The Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Canada ("MHRMC") and Vinozhito (Rainbow) - Greece, would like to clarify the news report that was released on August 29, 2001 regarding the "Platform of Macedonian Minorities and Diaspora".
While the MHRMC and Vinozhito did attend the "First Macedonian World Congress" in Skopje, Macedonia, along with several other Macedonian organizations from the Balkans and Australia, the reported platform was not endorsed or signed by our group. The platform was released by the United Macedonians Organization of Canada.
The MHRMC and Vinozhito do not and will not endorse any particular programme of political change for the Republic of Macedonia as that state's citizens have the ability to do so through lawful, democratic processes. The MHRMC'and Vinozhito's sole objectives are to achieve human rights for oppressed Macedonians and other minorities in the Balkans.
For those who missed the related newstory on the "Platform" here it is again:
The Independent MILS News, Est. 1992
-------- www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/5052 --------
Email: milsppp@soros.org.mk
===================Copyright c All Rights Reserved==================
Skopje, Wednesday, August 29, 2001
("Utrinski Vesnik", August 27, 2001)
Macedonian organizations, movements and associations, fighting for greater national, ethnical, cultural, and religious rights on the Balkans and beyond, held their first Macedonian World Conference last weekend, in organization of the united Macedonians in Canada and Macedonian Human Rights Movement for Canada. The following associations attended the gathering: Macedonian human rights associations OMO Ilinden, OMO Ilinden Pirin - Bulgaria, Vinozito (Rainbow) - Greece, Bratstvo, Mir, and Med-Albania, MAK-Macedonian Association - Serbia, and Macedonian Human Rights Committee - Australia. The participants at the conference spoke of the status of Macedonian people in the Balkans and worldwide, adopted an Action program defining the methods for pursuing national and human rights and created a coordinating body in charge of its realization. Macedonian government and all other institutions were reminded that Macedonian state and Macedonian people should valiantly and dignifiedly resist all external pressures. That way, Macedonian name, language, flag, country's unitary character, and territorial integrity would remain intact. Otherwise, Macedonia faces depersonalization. Describing the current situation in the country `a result of years of traitorous politics of Macedonian politicians' the conference suggested a Platform for survival of Macedonian nation in Macedonia, the Balkans, and worldwide. This Platform suggests dismissal of the Parliament and scheduling of new parliamentary elections where Macedonian people would be given a chance to choose reputable, honest politicians aware of their national identity. All Albanian immigrants from Kosovo with yet unregulated status should be expelled, whereas all citizenships granted in the last decade should be reassessed and taken away if found to represent threat to national security.