The Macedonian minority continues being denied to the present day and Macedonians do not enjoy even one of the rights stipulated by the Framework Convention for the Defence of National Minorities. Macedonians are objects of systemic hate speech, treated as enemies of the nation and traitors and denied the opportunity to have their own organizations or to participate in social life as Macedonians. Our children cannot study their own language, history and culture in school, are forced to learn that they do not exist as a people and to hear in the media that their parents are illiterate, unintelligent, deluded, agents of foreign states and traitors.
Despite arrests, beatings, intimidation and incarceration carried out by the US/EU-installed Zaev regime, Macedonians are protesting the forced name, identity and history change into “North Macedonians” from “North Macedonia” imposed on them by the so-called “global leaders in spreading democracy and human rights”.
Longtime supporter of Macedonian Human Rights Movement International, Mincho Tashev, has continued his tremendous assistance of Macedonian human rights initiatives by donating $30,000 in support of Macedonian political prisoners and their families. MHRMI will also bring the case of the political prisoners to the European Court of Human Rights, and are investigating other legal avenues, in order to secure their immediate release.
Tell Euro Cup broadcasters and commentators that the terms "North Macedonian" and "North Macedonia" are extremely offensive. Tell them that we are Macedonian and that Our Name Is Macedonia.
In my opinion, being a Macedonian myself, the fact that my country's name and identity is even up for discussion is sickening to watch and hear. Greece shouldn’t have the right to tell another country what it should be called, and that my people “don’t exist”. No one should have the right to tell you who you are and to force a name change on you. Therefore, Greece and its government (along with their "strategic partners", the US, NATO and EU) have no right to force a name change on Macedonia.
"During 2020 the situation of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria worsened because of the aggravated relations with the Republic of Macedonia, Bulgarian attempts to force Skopje to renounce the existence of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria and the media campaign conducted in Bulgaria in that regard. The registration of one of two registered Macedonian organizations was rescinded in 2019 while the other one is in the process of being deregistered and its members are subjected to harassment by the authorities." - Excerpt from the annual report. Full report below.
Six years ago the Macedonian Association “Ilinden”-Tirana was admitted into the family of representatives of European nationalities and became a full member of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN).
The Macedonian Association “Ilinden”-Tirana would like to extend its sincere gratitude to all members of FUEN for their cooperation and the understanding they have shown us in the protection of the Macedonian minority in Albania.
One day after approving the registration of the Krste Misirkov Organization, Greece abruptly reversed its decision and cancelled it, citing “problems with the legal representative of the NPO and his repeated issues with the Greek justice system”. The person they are referring to is Father Nikodim Tsarknias, who only has problems with the Greek justice system because they have made it illegal to declare oneself as Macedonian and to seek human and minority rights for Macedonians.
The 2021 Canadian Census is contributing to discrimination against Macedonians - make sure that the Canadian government knows that you are MACEDONIAN from MACEDONIA, no matter which part of partitioned Macedonia you come from.
My country is Macedonia. And Macedonians are being told (and I'm hearing it directly from the horse's mouth) that US foreign interventionism is “justified” because other countries might intervene. Yes, that's the argument. A pre-emptive strike against another people's basic human rights in order to satisfy US foreign policy. How about denouncing all foreign interventionism – and refusing to engage in it – instead of trying to justify your own.