Macedonian Human Rights Movement International


Five year anniversary since the Macedonian Association “Ilinden” - Tirana joined the Federal Union of European Nationalities
Five year anniversary since the Macedonian Association “Ilinden” - Tirana joined the Federal Union of European Nationalities
Five years ago this day, the Macedonian Association “Ilinden” - Tirana was admitted into the family of representatives of European nationalities and was made a full member of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN). We are particularly grateful to Macedonian Human Rights Movement International from Canada, led by its President Bill Nicholov, for their contribution in achieving this goal.
Joint declaration calls on the Bulgarian Government to recognise Macedonian minority rights
Joint declaration calls on the Bulgarian Government to recognise Macedonian minority rights
EFA member party OMO “Ilinden” – PIRIN, together with a group of organisations representing the Macedonian minority in the Republic of Bulgaria, have written a joint declaration to strongly condemn the latest provocations perpetrated by the Bulgarian Government, which operate against the opening of the European integration negotiations of the Republic of Macedonia. The signatories of the declaration call for the recognition of the Macedonian minority rights and the rights to its citizens to self-determination. It is also claimed the cease of the government’s anti-Macedonian policies and its declarations denying the existence of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria.
Macedonian Association “Ilinden” - Tirana strongly condemns statements from Karakachanov and Kovatchev
Macedonian Association “Ilinden” - Tirana strongly condemns statements from Karakachanov and Kovatchev
The Macedonian Association “Ilinden” - Tirana condemns the latest provocative steps from Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Krasimir Karakachanov from the VMRO-BND party, Andrey Kovatchev, member of the European Parliament for the GERB party, and the Bulgarian Embassy in Tirana. By handing out Bulgarian passports, they are attempting to buy “Bulgarians” in Albania, as part or their efforts to “prove” that the Macedonian language “does not exist”.
Macedonians Deserve Equality! - Message from MHRMI supporter Biljana Saragil
Macedonians Deserve Equality! - Message from MHRMI supporter Biljana Saragil
I am MACEDONIAN. My ancestors were NOT Greek or Bulgarian. Unfortunately, they are our oppressors. I am most definitely NOT "North Macedonian". I don’t recognize the politicians who wish to sell my name, ethnicity, language and culture which is my basic human right with the false hopes of entering the EU. The Zaev regime does NOT represent my family, my ancestors or my descendants. I don’t know what he represents except money, for his corrupt and treacherous self.
Read MHRMI Articles on MEDIUM and Spread Awareness of Macedonia
Read MHRMI Articles on MEDIUM and Spread Awareness of Macedonia
MHRMI articles are now being published on, giving millions of new readers access to the truth about Macedonia...
Macedonian Association “Ilinden” - Tirana condemns Bulgarian provocative allegation that the Macedonian language and the Macedonian minority do not exist
Macedonian Association “Ilinden” - Tirana condemns Bulgarian provocative allegation that the Macedonian language and the Macedonian minority do not exist
The Macedonian Association “Ilinden” - Tirana condemns the latest provocation from the Bulgarian Government which claims that the Macedonian language and the Macedonian minority do not exist. Macedonians in Albania wholeheartedly reject the position of the Bulgarian Government, which is again spreading its unacceptableposition that the Macedonian language and minority are non-existent.
The United Tornado of America's Latest Victim - Macedonia
The United Tornado of America's Latest Victim - Macedonia
When it comes to US foreign policy, there is no left and right. It's a circle. A vicious, never-ending one, that wreaks havoc wherever it goes. A US foreign interventionist tornado, if you will.  Democrats and Republicans seem to be at odds over everything, except two crucial things that unite them. One, the American superiority complex. Two, inflicting it on the rest of the world. Most of the world is united against Trump, for good reason. Racism, sexism, sheer stupidity.... Pick one, or any of the dozens of other reasons. But Democrats, you suffer from one of Trump's worst qualities - lack of self-awareness. You might not have his comical idiocy (you'll get closer if Joe Biden becomes President) but you're remarkably similar in many other ways.
Join MHRMI's Demand to Annul the Illegal, Forced Macedonia Name Change
Join MHRMI's Demand to Annul the Illegal, Forced Macedonia Name Change
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International has launched a new campaign – directed at politicians in the Republic of Macedonia – to pledge immediate annulment of the anti-Macedonian “Prespa Agreement”. Any politician who claims that it is “complicated” to annul an illegally-imposed law is either incompetent or complicit in the forced name, identity and history change imposed on Macedonians.
You Wouldn't Give Away Your Ethnic Identity. So Why Should Macedonians?
You Wouldn't Give Away Your Ethnic Identity. So Why Should Macedonians?
No politician, diplomat, bureaucrat or journalist I've ever asked this question has answered it. Yet they're quick to tell me to give away my ethnic identity. They try to convince me that the forced renaming of Macedonia, the redefining of what it has ever meant to be Macedonian, and the literal rewriting of Macedonian history is a “good thing because it resolves a diplomatic dispute”. What they're really telling me is that my ethnic group is lesser than theirs.
What if your name and ethnicity were forcibly changed? Welcome to Macedonia's world.
What if your name and ethnicity were forcibly changed? Welcome to Macedonia's world.
To non-Macedonians: Put yourselves in our shoes. What if your name and ethnicity were forcibly changed? Our Macedonian name, identity and history are being eradicated by the West in order to satisfy their misguided foreign policies and appease our oppressors. WE ARE ALL EQUAL. Prove that you believe that by demanding the return of Macedonia's name.