Macedonian Human Rights Movement International


Hate is Taught. If You Don't Denounce It, You Are, Effectively, Teaching It.
Hate is Taught. If You Don't Denounce It, You Are, Effectively, Teaching It.
One of my kids' friends was talking about how his ethnic group doesn't get along with another ethnic group because of long-standing tensions between the two. He discussed how his parents taught him how “bad” the other group was. He then asked, "So who do you hate?“ Our answer - ”Nobody." But how do I tell my kids that a lot of people hate us? We're Macedonian...
Macedonians in Greece Condemn the Prespa Agreement
Macedonians in Greece Condemn the Prespa Agreement
"We have been fighting for our existence as Macedonians our whole lives, as did all of our ancestors. Nobody has the right to change our name, ethnicity, identity and history at the stroke of a pen", said Father Nikodim Tsarknias, well-known Macedonian human rights activist from Sobotsko, in the Voden region of Aegean Macedonia (annexed by Greece after Macedonia's partition in 1913).
Macedonian-Canadian Community Denounces Illegally-Imposed Name Change on the Republic of Macedonia
Macedonian-Canadian Community Denounces Illegally-Imposed Name Change on the Republic of Macedonia
Eradicating the existence of an ethnic group to appease its oppressors and to satisfy Western interventionism will not be tolerated by Macedonians, nor should it be tolerated by anyone claiming to defend human rights. Therefore, the Macedonian-Canadian community...
MHRMI Informs UN Member-States That Macedonia Did NOT Change Its Name, Calls for Urgent Support to Prevent Western-Imposed Name Change
MHRMI Informs UN Member-States That Macedonia Did NOT Change Its Name, Calls for Urgent Support to Prevent Western-Imposed Name Change
Despite illegitimate Macedonian “Prime Minister” Zoran Zaev's attempts to deceive the international community into believing that Macedonia has changed its name, since the head of state, President Gjorgi Ivanov, did not sign the illegal, imposed name change for the Republic of Macedonia, Macedonia has not changed its name. Article 75 of the Macedonian constitution stipulates that all laws be signed by the President.
How to Commit Cultural Genocide in the 21st Century - The Macedonians
How to Commit Cultural Genocide in the 21st Century - The Macedonians
Nancy April, a teenager in Newfoundland enjoyed all the pleasures of the Canadian north. Its landscape, wildlife and bountiful supply of fish by the sea. Most importantly, she reveled in the time spent with her family and tribe’s people and the centuries of traditions that defined them. Eventually though, another group of people encroached on her tribe’s land and cut-off their access to the area’s food supply, slowly starving them to death. Her father died. Then her mother. Then her sister. Soon enough, Nancy was the only one left from her tribe. Then she died.
Canada Supports Macedonia's Demise - Foreign Minister Freeland, Tell Us Why
Canada Supports Macedonia's Demise - Foreign Minister Freeland, Tell Us Why
Published in iAffairs Canada / Canadian Foreign Policy Journal The leader of a new Macedonian political party was texting me in the middle of the night recently, giving me updates on her spokeswoman's surgery to repair two broken legs, suffered at the hands of riot police earlier that night. Her crime? Attending a peaceful protest against changing Macedonia's name and identity.
MHRMI Calls on Russia and China to Introduce UN Motion in Support of Macedonia, Pledge to Veto Any Change to Macedonia's Name
MHRMI Calls on Russia and China to Introduce UN Motion in Support of Macedonia, Pledge to Veto Any Change to Macedonia's Name
Following our meetings with Russian and Chinese officials, Macedonian Human Rights Movement International sent letters to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi calling for both countries, as members of the United Nations Security Council, to: 1. Introduce a motion at the United Nations demanding ...
The UN Celebrates “Human Rights Day” While Committing Cultural Genocide Against Macedonians
The UN Celebrates “Human Rights Day” While Committing Cultural Genocide Against Macedonians
Published in DARROW The entire region of Macedonia was partitioned in 1913 (a fact admitted by all, oppressors included) among Serbia (now the independent Republic of Macedonia), Bulgaria, Greece and Albania. Macedonians have been fighting attempts at eradication ever since. Never did we think that it would also be against attacks by the UN.
Macedonian Business Leaders from Aegean Macedonia Pledge Continued Support of MHRMI's Our Name Is Macedonia Campaign
Macedonian Business Leaders from Aegean Macedonia Pledge Continued Support of MHRMI's Our Name Is Macedonia Campaign
Two prominent business leaders from Aegean Macedonia, residing in Canada, have pledged their continued support of MHRMI's Our Name Is Macedonia campaign and the fight against any change to Macedonia's name and our Macedonian identity. Bill Argo, owner of the Symposium Cafe restaurant chain, and Mincho Tashev, real estate investor, are both longtime supporters of Macedonian Human Rights Movement International.
MHRMI Calls for Immediate Action by President Ivanov to Prevent Any Change to Macedonia's Name and Identity
MHRMI Calls for Immediate Action by President Ivanov to Prevent Any Change to Macedonia's Name and Identity
In advance of the illegal, unconstitutional and treasonous vote scheduled for January 9, 2019 to change the Republic of Macedonia's name and identity, Macedonian Human Rights Movement International calls on President Ivanov to immediately pardon all Macedonians who face politically motivated charges by Zaev's regime, including those MPs who ...