Macedonian Human Rights Movement International


Соопштение за медиумите и јавноста од Македонско друштво "Илинден” - Тирана
Соопштение за медиумите и јавноста од Македонско друштво "Илинден” - Тирана
Ве известуваме дека весникот "Илинден" гласилото на Македонско друштво "Илинден”-Тирана, повторно се печати благодарение на финансиската помош на Македонското меѓународно движење за човекови права (ММДЧП) со седиште во Торонто, Кан ада. ...
MHRMI Demands the Return of Original Macedonian Names in Greece
MHRMI Demands the Return of Original Macedonian Names in Greece
TORONTO, Sept 14, 2016 - The Council of Europe, in its claim that it protects minority rights, guarantees "the use of one's personal name...and topographical names in the minority language." Why then, are Macedonians still forced to use Greek-imposed names, not allowed to name their children using ...
25th Anniversary of Macedonia's Independence - MHRMI Demands Respect for Macedonia's Name
25th Anniversary of Macedonia's Independence - MHRMI Demands Respect for Macedonia's Name
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International would like to congratulate the Republic of Macedonia on the 25th year of its independence. And condemn its various governments for 25 years of ludicrous controversy and negotiations of our age-old name. MHRMI reiterates its demand that Macedonia immediately end the name negotiations and ...
International Paralympic Committee - Show That you Respect Macedonia's Name
International Paralympic Committee - Show That you Respect Macedonia's Name
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International & Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee Macedonian Paralympians, like their Olympian counterparts, will be forced to enter the Rio Paralympics Opening Ceremony behind the letter "E” for "Ex”, putting a regional twist on the infamous "F” for "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”.
MHRMI and AMHRC Demand an Apology from the IOC for Disrespecting Macedonia
MHRMI and AMHRC Demand an Apology from the IOC for Disrespecting Macedonia
The Olympic charter claims that "The practice of sport is a human right." As is using your own country's name. Once again, Macedonian athletes were forced to walk in behind the letter "F" for "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" (or its equivalent) at the Olympic opening ceremonies. In ...
MHRMI President Bill Nicholov published in The Hill, America's leading political newspaper - Change US misguided policy in Macedonia
MHRMI President Bill Nicholov published in The Hill, America's leading political newspaper - Change US misguided policy in Macedonia
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party's misguided foreign policy When did Democrats become Republicans? Thankfully, they are still socially liberal (or "progressive” as Americans say, because God forbid they use the L word) but their foreign policy is, unfortunately, very Republican.
Make America Respected Again
Make America Respected Again
It's bad enough to have to hear a US presidential candidate claim to know everything there is to know about…everything, and how to make it all great again. But it's unbearable to listen to the claims of such a vast array of knowledge, and the touting of such experience and success that if one dares support the other candidate, they must be a complete idiot.
MHRMI Calls for the Removal of all Diplomats Who Refuse to Use Macedonia's Name
MHRMI Calls for the Removal of all Diplomats Who Refuse to Use Macedonia's Name
In a leaked phone call, Assistant US Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, was notoriously caught saying, "Fuck the EU” when referring to the Ukraine crisis in 2014. Ms. Nuland, how should Macedonians react after hearing you refer to your visit to "this country” and ...
MHRMI Calls on Macedonian Athletes to Refuse to Walk in Behind Letter "F” for "FYROM” at Rio Olympics
MHRMI Calls on Macedonian Athletes to Refuse to Walk in Behind Letter "F” for "FYROM” at Rio Olympics
The IOC will follow the UN and USA's directives and continue to violate the most basic of Macedonia's rights, and that is the right to use our own name. Yet again, Macedonian athletes will be forced to walk in behind the letter "F” for "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” at the Rio Olympics opening ceremonies.
Despite Complaints, Facebook Allows Anti-Macedonian Hate Speech on Macedonian Pages
Despite Complaints, Facebook Allows Anti-Macedonian Hate Speech on Macedonian Pages
Facebook claims that anti-Macedonian hate speech "does not violate their Community Standards”. What kind of community with no standards does Facebook think we live in? This sounds a lot like the "freedom of speech” excuse for doing nothing about lesser-known examples of racism. Well, freedom of speech (and related excuses) do not include hate.