Macedonian Human Rights Review - Issue #10 - March 2012 February 15, 2012 UN Expert Recommends Bulgaria Recognise Its Macedonian Minority Експерт на ООН и' препорачува на Бугарија да го признае своето македонско малцинство January 17, 2012 MHRMI Response to National Post Letter "Canadian Greeks: Don't rewrite Balkan history" January 16, 2012 Macedonian Human Rights Review - Issue #9 - January 2012
OMO "Ilinden" - PIRIN, AMHRC, and MHRMI - Press Release Blagoevgrad/Gorna Dzumaja (Bulgaria), Melbourne (Australia) and Toronto (Canada) OMO "Ilinden" - PIRIN, the political party of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria, together with the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee (AMHRC) and Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) welcome the ...
Why the National Post chose to be "objective" and let the Greek community have equal time in responding to the recent op-ed about Macedonia is beyond me. One should not give the oppressor the opportunity to justify its brutal actions against the oppressed. The vast majority of readers, understandably, have no interest in hearing the long, drawn out version of Greece's romanticized history.