Macedonian Human Rights Movement International


Shame On Greece: Messing With Macedonia
Shame On Greece: Messing With Macedonia
Source: New York Times, By The Editorial Board The Macedonians walked out of the NATO summit on Thursday and we can't say we blame them. Croatia and Albania were granted membership in the western alliance at a leaders' meeting in Bucharest, but Macedonia was barred for an absurd reason: Greece doesn't like its name.
MHRMI Urges Sanctions Against Greece, Immediate Recognition of Macedonia
MHRMI Urges Sanctions Against Greece, Immediate Recognition of Macedonia
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) - Press Release Toronto, Canada, April 3, 2008 - Despite overwhelming support for the Republic of Macedonia's inclusion into NATO, Greece has vetoed Macedonia's entry because of its opposition to Macedonia's constitutional name. The nonsensical name dispute was initiated by Greece in order ...
Parliamentary questions filed to the European parliament, regarding the denial of entry of citizens into Greece
Parliamentary questions filed to the European parliament, regarding the denial of entry of citizens into Greece
To the: Commission Author: Mikel Irujo Amezaga Subject: Denial of a Czech citizen to enter Greece Over the years many persons have been denied entry into Greece based on seemingly "national security” concerns. The common denominator in these cases is the Macedonian ethnic identity of the persons concerned.
Greece Should Accept Existence of Republic of Macedonia
Greece Should Accept Existence of Republic of Macedonia
Source: MIA news agency Greece should accept the existence of Republic of Macedonia and stop with the policy that leads nowhere, says Greek Helsinki Committee chairman Panayote Dimitras in Macedonian TV programme "Voice of the People." "Greece must understand and realize that the Republic of Macedonia exists, the ...
International Panel Discussion in the European Parliament on the Turkish and Macedonian minorities in Greece
International Panel Discussion in the European Parliament on the Turkish and Macedonian minorities in Greece
On Thursday 17 April 2008, the European Free Alliance - European Political Party in cooperation with the Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF), European Free Alliance - Rainbow (Macedonian minority of Greece) and the Federal Union of the European Nationalities (FUEN) will be organising an international panel ...
The Republic Formerly Known As...
The Republic Formerly Known As...
Source: New York Times One thing about the Balkans, they have the most esoteric crises. NATO is holding its summit meeting next week, and wants to bring in three Balkan states — Albania, Croatia and Macedonia. But Greece, a NATO member since 1952, is threatening to veto Macedonia's membership over its name.
What's In a Name? (Interview with Antonio Milososki)
What's In a Name? (Interview with Antonio Milososki)
Source: Newsweek There could be fireworks at next week's NATO summit in Bucharest—but not of the celebratory kind. On the agenda are discussions of whether Macedonia has met the criteria for membership. Macedonia's hope for inclusion could be dashed by Greece because of a dispute over Macedonia's name, which it shares with a northern Greek province.
Ramsfeld: Greek Intimidation Tactics Getting Old
Ramsfeld: Greek Intimidation Tactics Getting Old
Source: Wall Street Journal New York - Greece threatens to veto Macedonia's admission to NATO, and the future of the Alliance is too important to be constrained by intimidation tactics more befitting the last century. These are the remarks by the former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the author of commentary "NATO Expansion Should Continue", published in Wall Street Journal.
MHRMI Calls on International Community to Recognize Macedonia's Constitutional Name
MHRMI Calls on International Community to Recognize Macedonia's Constitutional Name
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) - Press Release Toronto, Canada, March 23, 2008 - Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) calls on the international community to recognize Macedonia's constitutional name and put an end to the irrational name dispute with Greece.
Several Promiment Former European Diplomats Make Statements About the Greek Conflict with Macedonia
Several Promiment Former European Diplomats Make Statements About the Greek Conflict with Macedonia
Поранешниот посредник во спорот за името, Робин О'Нил: Македонија има право да се вика како што сака "Македонија направи многу великодушни компромиси. Владата на Грција не направи никаков компромис", изјави во интервјуто за Би-Би-Си Робин О'Нил, поранешен посредник во спорот за името. ...