Macedonian Human Rights Movement International


EFA Condemns attacks against the Macedonian language in EU institutions
EFA Condemns attacks against the Macedonian language in EU institutions
EFA sends letters of protest to the European Commission, European Parliament and an open-letter to all MEPs from Greece The European Free Alliance - European Political Party (EFA) is deeply concerned by the latest campaign of Greek MEPs within EU institutions to replace and in some instances eradicate the ...
Massive pressure on Vinozhito: Greek deputy demands death penalty for Macedonians!
Massive pressure on Vinozhito: Greek deputy demands death penalty for Macedonians!
According to Athanassios Plevris the Macedonians committed felony when naming "Skopje” as "Macedonia” and the language as "Macedonian”. Death penalties were demanded for the members of the "VINOZHITO” party of the Macedonians in Greece, as well as for the Greek "Helsinki Watch” branch, by Member of Parliament Athanassios Plevris of "The People's Orthodox Rally” ("LA.O.S.”) party.
Discounts on Democracy in Europe: Who Should Determine How One Self-Determines?
Discounts on Democracy in Europe: Who Should Determine How One Self-Determines?
With its expansion ever since the end of the cold war, the European Union has been increasingly projecting itself as a moral force in global affairs. It has called itself a community of values and has been tirelessly repeating to would-be members that full embrace of democracy and human and minority rights is the only way into the club.
Македонци нападнати во Грција
Македонци нападнати во Грција
Тројца македонски државјани биле малтретирани и нападнати од поголема група Грци во околината на градот Лариса. Македонските државјани, кои со товарно возило биле на пат во Грција, инцидентот го пријавиле во полициската станица на граничниот премин Богородица, соопшти денеска полицијата. ...
A Name To Reckon With
A Name To Reckon With
Source: Washington Times The recent Greek veto of the Republic of Macedonia's NATO membership during the NATO Bucharest Summit earlier this month was unfounded and contrary to the principles of NATO and its member states. Macedonia fulfilled all of the membership criteria set forth by NATO and all other NATO members supported its admission into the alliance.
Bulgaria Again Urged To Review Its Policy Regarding OMO "Ilinden" - Pirin
Bulgaria Again Urged To Review Its Policy Regarding OMO "Ilinden" - Pirin
Source: On Tuesday 15 April 2008 in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Mr Lambert of Belgium put the following question to Mr Thomas Hammarberg, Commissioner for Human Rights: "I would like to raise the issue of the political party OMO "Ilinden" PIRIN in Bulgaria.
Succesful International Panel Discussion on minorities in Greece Held in the European Parliament
Succesful International Panel Discussion on minorities in Greece Held in the European Parliament
Macedonian and Turkish minorities unrecognised and ignored in Greece Florina/Lerin - April 21, 2008 - On Thursday 17 April 2008 an international panel discussion was held in the European Parliament on the Ignored Minorities of Greece: Western Thrace Turks and Macedonians. The conference was very well attended and received much publicity in the press in the days leading up to the event.
Greek Authorities Continue To Abuse Ethnic Macedonians
Greek Authorities Continue To Abuse Ethnic Macedonians
Source: Anti Macedonian campaign within Greek territory continues in full swing, against anyone or anything that calls himself Macedonian. A week ago, Tsarknias and his family were attacked at his home, twice. The latest gaffe came from the Greek authorities by forcibly putting a Greek flag on the Macedonian church where father Tsarknias held his services.
Mancevski Gives Greece A History Lesson
Mancevski Gives Greece A History Lesson
Source: Prominent Macedonian movie director Milco Mancevski in an interview with Athenian newspaper 'Eleftherotypia' calls on Athenians to consider the damage that may be caused by the nationalist hysteria against Macedonia, to learn about history from unbiased sources and realize that they are not entitled to interfere in the decision of Macedonians on their name.
EFA Strongly Condemns Greece's Continual Destabilising And Unfriendly Behaviour
EFA Strongly Condemns Greece's Continual Destabilising And Unfriendly Behaviour
Source: Greece's decision to veto an initiation to the Republic of Macedonia to join NATO is an irresponsible act motivated by its refusal to recognise the existence of a distinct Macedonian ethnic identity in the Republic of Macedonia as well as in Greece. The ...