Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) - Press Release Toronto, Canada, June 21, 2008 - MHRMI calls on the international community to demand that Greece finally end its discrimination of its large Macedonian minority, and specifically, Macedonian political refugees and allow their 4th World Reunion on July 20, 2008 to proceed unimpeded.
Either the Americans provide information to the Greek Foreign and Interior Ministries or - which is more likely - the Greek Secret Service (EIP) is wiretapping the telephones of the Macedonian representatives in Greece. How else can a strictly confidential document issued by the Greek media include even the tiniest ...
Bulgarian Prime Minister, Sergei Stanishev appeared on June 17th as a special guest speaker at The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC. The topic of discussion at this forum was Transatlantic Security that Endures: Anchoring Southeast Europe and the Black Sea Region. In response to a ...
EUROPEAN COMMISION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL JUSTICE, FREEDOM AND SECURITY Director General Brussels, May 23 Your excelency, The commission has received numerous questions from the European Parliament, as well as grievances concerning the Bulgarian's government's decision to not register and not recognize the United Macedonian Organization (OMO) "Ilinden” - PIRIN.
Надмудрувањето на Бугарија со Советот на Европа околу спроведувањето на четирите пресуди на Европскиот суд за правата на човекот (ЕСЧП), кои се однесуваат на кршењето на правото за слободно собирање и здружување на припадниците на непризнатото македонско малцинство, продолжува. ...
- 2 cases against Bulgaria - Cases concerning the dissolution of a political party and to register refusal of an association aiming to achieve "the recognition of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria" 59489/00 United Macedonian Organisation Ilinden - Pirin and others, judgment of 20/10/2005, final on 20/01/2006 59491/00 United ...
The Slovenian representative in the European Parliament, Jelko Kacin, slammed Greece's attitude toward Macedonia and called for adequate response from the European institutions. Kacin urged EU institutions to protect the basic principles of the inter-state relations and to take measures against Greek "planned policy of escalation and deliberate provocations", ...
7. Freedom of Association and Peaceful Assembly As in previous years, the right to peaceful assembly of the Macedoniansin Bulgaria was restricted in contradiction to international law. On April 22, UMO (United Macedonian Organisation) Ilinden activists were restricted when trying to commemorate the anniversary of Yane Sandanski's death at the Rozhen Monastery.
EU urged Bulgaria to change the legislation on public gathering and free expression of thought, which would enable the party of the Macedonian minority OMO Ilinden Pirin to hold public gatherings. EU Ministerial Committee requested from Bulgaria to deliver a copy of the new draft-law on public gathering and to provide continuous information on developments concerning this law.
The newest report of the Amnesty International mentions the Macedonian Minority's struggle in Bulgaria. The report states that in September, the European Commission called on the Bulgarian government to respect the decisions by the European Court of Human Rights that Bulgaria should allow the registration of the OMO Ilinden PIRIN party, which represents the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria.