Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
Macedonian TV Crew Denied Visas
(GHM/IFEX) - Greek Helsinki Monitor was informed that a Macedonian Television (MTV) crew was refused entry visas by the Greek Liaison Office in Skopje. The crew intended to cover the trial of the Macedonian minority party Rainbow; on 15 September, Rainbow was on trial in Greece for the use of the Macedonian mother tongue.
Refusal to Grant Macedonian TV Crew Visas
Mr. George Papandreou Alternate Foreign Minister Athens, Greece The Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Canada find the actions of the Greek Liaison Office in Skopje to be unjustified and contradictory. Our organization is hereby protesting the refusal of visas to a Macedonian television crew that intended to cover the trial of the Macedonian minority party Rainbow.
Amnesty International Welcomes the Acquittal of Four Members of Ethnic Macedonian Minority Party
News Release - EUR Amnesty International welcomes the acquittal of four members of the ethnic Macedonian minority "Rainbow" Party at their trial in Florina, Greece, on 15 September 1998. The four men, Vasilis Romas, Costas Tasopoulos, Petros Vasiliadis and Pavlos Voskopoulos, were charged with "causing and inciting mutual hatred among ...
Ослободителни пресуди за лидерите на "Виножито"
Четворицата лидери на партијата на македонското национално малцинство во Грција "Виножито" на судскиот процес одржан вчера во Лерин, Грција се ослободени од обвиненето за делото од шести септември 1995 година, јавува Македонската Телевизија. ...
The Rainbow Party Has Been Acquitted
Rainbow - Political party of the ethnic Macedonians in Greece Four members of "Rainbow", a legal political party, were charged under Article 192 of the Greek Penal Code with "inciting violence" or "disturbing the peace" for hanging a sign in the party's office displaying the words "Lerinski Komitet," (Lerin Committee) in their native Macedonian language as well as in Greek.
Four members of The Rainbow Party, a legal political party, were charged under Article 192 of the Greek Penal Code with "inciting violence" or "disturbing the peace" for hanging a sign in the party's office displaying the words "Lerinski Komitet," (Lerin Committee) in their native Macedonian language as well as in Greek.
Detsa Begaltsi Border Crossing into Greece
The Second World Reunion of the Association of Refugee Children from Aegean Macedonia began on July 15, 1998 in the Republic of Macedonia and was scheduled to end with an historic trip to Edessa (Voden) Greece on July 19, 1998. The former child refugees, evacuated from Greece during the Civil War of 1946-49, have consistently been denied entry into Greece simply because they assert their Macedonian ethnic identity.
Macedonians Win European Court Case Against Greece
Hristo Sideropoulos, along with several other founders of the Macedonian Cultural Centre in Lerin, took the Greek government to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg on Tuesday, March 24, 1998. A decision was reached on July 10, 1998. The Greek government refused the Macedonians the right to register ...
Upcoming Second World Reunion of the Detsa Begaltsi
The Second World Reunion of the Association of Refugee Children from Aegean Macedonia will be taking place from July 15-19, 1998 in the Republic of Macedonia with an historic trip to Edessa (Voden), Greece planned for the morning of the 19th. The Greek government has consistently denied the former child ...
Разурнати македонски гробишта во Грција
Во селото Горно Пожарско (Ано Лутраки) воденска околија во Грција, пред еден месец биле разурнати старите македонски гробишта на црквата Св. Ѓорѓи и на нивно место била изградена нова грчка црква со исто име.