Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
Greek Shame Revealed on National Television - The Character Assassination of Father Nikodimos Tsarknias
Father Tsarknias, a Macedonian Orthodox priest, is fighting to reintroduce the centuries old tradition of Macedonian religious services to members of Greece's oppressed Macedonian minority. By Risto Stefov I was recently invited to view a video of what was to be a discussion on the progress of Macedonian human rights and the construction of a new Macedonian church in Greece.
Greece: Minority Languages, Plea For More Recognition (Part 1)
Greece is being urged to grant more recognition to its minority languages -- Vlach, Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish, and a version of Bulgarian called Pomak. At present, only Turkish is recognized. Now the European Bureau for Lesser-Used Languages (EBLUL) has undertaken an initiative designed to highlight the plight of these neglected minorities.
MHRMC Letter to Canadian Government Regarding Racial Profiling of Macedonians at Greek Border
Hon. Bill Graham Minister of Foreign Affairs House of Commons Parliament Buildings Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 Dear Minister, Our government's present protests in respect of US treatment of Canadian citizens of certain ethnic backgrounds is admirable. However, we cannot understand why the Canadian government is acting in such a manner ...
Vinozhito/Rainbow Member Petse Dimtsis Elected to Office in Lerin
Vinozhito/Rainbow Press Release After the Greek Municipal Elections In MEGA television's broadcast, "The Hour of the Ballot Box," October 10, 2002, the media representative of the New Democracy party, Mr. Rousopoulos, attempted to justify the defeat of the departing prefect, Mr. Altini, who was supported by New Democracy in Florina.
Greek Committee of the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages - Information Bulletin
Greek Committee of the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages PO Box 100, 59200 Naousa - Greece Tel. ++.3850.22570 Email: Information Bulletin October 2002 - Number 1 Press Release On 26 January 2002 a meeting was arranged in Thessaloniki by the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages for representatives of the linguistic minorities of Greece.
Vinozhito/Rainbow Announcement Prior to the Greek Municipal Elections
RAINBOW will be participating in the upcoming elections to the prefecture and municipal councils. The elections will take place on the 13th and 20th of October, 2002 where RAINBOW will be fielding candidates in coalitions. Where there are no RAINBOW candidates we call on voters to support those who have publicly shown support for the following: 1.
Macedonian Minority Organization OMO Ilinden Intimidated by Bulgarian Police at Macedonian Commemoration
On Saturday, July 27, OMO Ilinden, a Macedonian minority organization in Bulgaria, gathered at King Samuel's fortress near the town of Petrich in order to commemorate the 99th anniversary of the Ilinden uprising (Macedonian uprising against the Ottoman Empire in 1903). Approximately 1,500 people attended the ceremony, which included speeches and Macedonian music and dances.
Macedonian Minority Organization OMO Ilinden Attacked by Bulgarian Nationalists
On Thursday, September 12 at approximately 3:00pm, OMO Ilinden, a Macedonian minority organization in Bulgaria, intended to commemorate Vartolomey Night (massacre of Macedonians in Bulgaria in 1924). About 45 members and sympathizers gathered in front of the US University in Blagoevgrad and marched to the Gotse Delchev monument in Macedonia Square.
OSCE 2002 - Human Dimension Implementation Meeting - Statements by the International Helsinki Federation
The following are excerpts from IHF's report at the 2002 OSCE meeting. TOLERANCE AND NON-DISCRIMINATION: National Minorities Greece continues its policy not to recognize any national or ethnic minority in its territory despite the presence of large Turkish and Macedonian minorities. The word "Turkish” still creates difficulties for those who used it.
Another Canadian Human Rights Activist Rejected at Greek Border
Done Rakovsky, a Canadian citizen of ethnic Macedonian descent, was turned back by Greek officials at the border between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece on May 9, 2002. Mr. Rakovsky attempted to cross the Bogorodica-Negochani (Niki) border crossing to visit the land of his birth.